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Merge pull request #632 from valassi/smeft2
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Fix builds of SMEFT gg_tttt
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oliviermattelaer authored Apr 9, 2024
2 parents 74a0c7f + e44535d commit df29acb
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Showing 842 changed files with 297,090 additions and 6,165 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .github/workflows/testsuite_allprocesses.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ jobs:
fail-fast: false # important to see all results even if one fails (fail-fast is true by default)
# FIXME? Can the list of supported processes be specified only once in oneprocess.yml or allprocesses.yml?
process: [ee_mumu, gg_tt, gg_ttg, gg_ttgg, gg_ttggg, gg_tt01g, gq_ttq, pp_tt012j, nobm_pp_ttW, susy_gg_tt, susy_gg_t1t1, heft_gg_h]
process: [ee_mumu, gg_tt, gg_ttg, gg_ttgg, gg_ttggg, gg_tt01g, gq_ttq, pp_tt012j, nobm_pp_ttW, susy_gg_tt, susy_gg_t1t1, smeft_gg_tttt, heft_gg_h]
suffix: [mad, sa]
uses: ./.github/workflows/testsuite_oneprocess.yml
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,11 +46,14 @@ namespace mg5amcCpu

// Constexpr implementation of pow
constexpr long double constexpr_pow( const long double base, const long double exp )
constexpr long double constexpr_pow( const long double base, const long double exp, const bool requireExpGe0 = false )
// NB(1): this implementation of constexpr_pow requires exponent >= 0
assert( exp >= 0 ); // NB would fail at compile time with "error: call to non-‘constexpr’ function ‘void __assert_fail'"
// NB(2): this implementation of constexpr_pow requires an integer exponent
// NB(1): this iterative integer implementation of constexpr_pow requires exponent >= 0
if( requireExpGe0 ) assert( exp >= 0 ); // NB would fail at compile time with "error: call to non-‘constexpr’ function ‘void __assert_fail'"
if( exp < 0 ) return 1. / constexpr_pow( base, -exp, true );
// NB(2): this iterative integer implementation of constexpr_pow requires an integer exponent, excexpt for special cases (1/2, 1/4)
if( exp == 0.5 ) return constexpr_sqrt( base );
if( exp == 0.25 ) return constexpr_sqrt( constexpr_sqrt( base ) );
const int iexp = constexpr_floor( exp );
assert( static_cast<long double>( iexp ) == exp ); // NB would fail at compile time with "error: call to non-‘constexpr’ function ‘void __assert_fail'"
// Iterative implementation of pow if exp is a non negative integer
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Expand Up @@ -306,6 +306,23 @@ TEST( XTESTID( MG_EPOCH_PROCESS_ID ), testmisc )
EXPECT_TRUE( constexpr_floor( -0.5 ) == -1 );
EXPECT_TRUE( constexpr_floor( -1.5 ) == -2 );

// Test constexpr pow
EXPECT_TRUE( constexpr_pow( 10, 0 ) == 1 );
EXPECT_TRUE( constexpr_pow( 10, 1 ) == 10 );
EXPECT_TRUE( constexpr_pow( 10, 2 ) == 100 );
EXPECT_NEAR( constexpr_pow( 10, -1 ), 0.1, 0.1 * 1E-14 )
<< std::setprecision( 40 ) << "constexpr_pow( 10, -1 ) = " << constexpr_pow( 10, -1 );
EXPECT_NEAR( constexpr_pow( 10, -2 ), 0.01, 0.01 * 1E-14 )
<< std::setprecision( 40 ) << "constexpr_pow( 10, -2 ) = " << constexpr_pow( 10, -2 );
EXPECT_NEAR( constexpr_pow( 100, 0.5 ), 10, 10 * 1E-14 )
<< std::setprecision( 40 ) << "constexpr_pow( 100, 0.5 ) = " << constexpr_pow( 100, 0.5 );
EXPECT_NEAR( constexpr_pow( 100, -0.5 ), 0.1, 0.1 * 1E-14 )
<< std::setprecision( 40 ) << "constexpr_pow( 100, -0.5 ) = " << constexpr_pow( 100, -0.5 );
EXPECT_NEAR( constexpr_pow( 10000, 0.25 ), 10, 10 * 1E-14 )
<< std::setprecision( 40 ) << "constexpr_pow( 10000, 0.25 ) = " << constexpr_pow( 10000, 0.25 );
EXPECT_NEAR( constexpr_pow( 10000, -0.25 ), 0.1, 0.1 * 1E-14 )
<< std::setprecision( 40 ) << "constexpr_pow( 10000, -0.25 ) = " << constexpr_pow( 10000, -0.25 );

// Distance from the horizontal or vertical axis (i.e. from 0, pi/2, pi, or 3pi/2)
auto distance4 = []( const long double xx )
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63 changes: 47 additions & 16 deletions epochX/cudacpp/CODEGEN/PLUGIN/CUDACPP_SA_OUTPUT/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -781,10 +781,10 @@ def write_hardcoded_parameters(self, params, deviceparams=dict()):
res = res.replace(' ;',';')
res = res.replace('= - ','= -') # post-fix for susy
res = res.replace('( - ','( -') # post-fix for susy
res = res.replace(', - ',', -') # post-fix for SM no_b_mass
res = res.replace('Re+mdl','Re + mdl') # post-fix for smeft
res = res.replace('Re+0','Re + 0') # post-fix for smeft
res = res.replace('He-2','He - 2') # post-fix for smeft
res = res.replace('Re+mdl','Re + mdl') # better post-fix for smeft #633
res = res.replace('Re+0','Re + 0') # better post-fix for smeft #633
res = res.replace('He-2','He - 2') # better post-fix for smeft #633
res = res.replace(', - ',', -') # post-fix for smeft
###print(res); assert(False)
###misc.sprint( "'"+res+"'" )
return res
Expand All @@ -796,7 +796,9 @@ def super_write_set_parameters_donotfixMajorana(self, params):
# For each parameter, write "name = expr;"
for param in params:
res_strings.append( "%s" % param.expr )
return "\n".join(res_strings)
res = "\n".join(res_strings)
res = res.replace('ABS(','std::abs(') # for SMEFT #614 and #616
return res

# AV - replace export_cpp.UFOModelConverterCPP method (eventually split writing of parameters and fixes for Majorana particles #622)
def super_write_set_parameters_onlyfixMajorana(self, hardcoded): # FIXME! split hardcoded (constexpr) and not-hardcoded code
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -911,12 +913,42 @@ def super_generate_parameters_class_files(self):
dcoupdecl = [ ' cxtype_sv %s;' % name for name in self.coups_dep ]
replace_dict['dcoupdecl'] = '\n'.join( dcoupdecl )
dcoupsetdpar = []
# Special handling of G and aS parameters (cudacpp starts from G, while UFO starts from aS)
# For simplicity, compute these parameters directly from G, rather than from another such parameter
# (e.g. do not compute mdl_sqrt__aS as sqrt of aS, which would require defining aS first)
gparameters = { 'aS' : 'G * G / 4. / M_PI',
'mdl_sqrt__aS' : 'G / 2. / constexpr_sqrt( M_PI )' }
gparamcoded = set()
foundG = False
for line in self.write_hardcoded_parameters(self.params_dep).split('\n'):
if line != '':
dcoupsetdpar.append( ' ' + line.replace('constexpr cxsmpl<double> mdl_G__exp__2','const fptype_sv mdl_G__exp__2').replace('constexpr double', 'const fptype_sv' if foundG else '//const fptype_sv' ) )
if 'constexpr double G =' in line: foundG = True
replace_dict['dcoupsetdpar'] = ' ' + '\n'.join( dcoupsetdpar )
for pdep in self.params_dep:
line = ' ' + self.write_hardcoded_parameters([pdep]).rstrip('\n')
if not foundG:
# Comment out the default UFO assignment of mdl_sqrt__aS (from aS) and of G (from mdl_sqrt__aS), but keep them for reference
# (WARNING! This Python CODEGEN code essentially assumes that this refers precisely and only to mdl_sqrt__aS and G)
dcoupsetdpar.append( ' ' + line.replace('constexpr double', '//const fptype_sv') )
elif == 'mdl_G__exp__2' : # bug fix: fptype, not double nor complex (UFO SUSY and SMEFT even disagree on this?)
# Hardcode a custom assignment (valid for both SUSY and SMEFT) instead of replacing double or complex in 'line'
dcoupsetdpar.append(' const fptype_sv ' + + ' = G * G;' )
elif == 'mdl_G__exp__3' : # bug fix: fptype, not double nor complex (UFO SUSY and SMEFT even disagree on this?)
# Hardcode a custom assignment (valid for both SUSY and SMEFT) instead of replacing double or complex in 'line'
dcoupsetdpar.append(' const fptype_sv ' + + ' = G * G * G;' )
elif in gparameters:
# Skip the default UFO assignment from aS (if any?!) of aS and mdl_sqrt__aS, as these are now derived from G
# (WARNING! no path to this statement! aS is not in params_dep, while mdl_sqrt__aS is handled in 'if not foundG' above)
###misc.sprint('Skip gparameter:',
for gpar in gparameters:
if ' ' + gpar + ' ' in line and not gpar in gparamcoded:
dcoupsetdpar.append(' const fptype_sv ' + gpar + ' = ' + gparameters[gpar] + ';' )
dcoupsetdpar.append( ' ' + line.replace('constexpr double', 'const fptype_sv') )
if == 'G':
foundG = True
dcoupsetdpar.append(' // *** NB Compute all dependent parameters, including aS, in terms of G rather than in terms of aS ***')
replace_dict['dcoupsetdpar'] = '\n'.join( dcoupsetdpar )
dcoupsetdcoup = [ ' ' + line.replace('constexpr cxsmpl<double> ','out.').replace('mdl_complexi', 'cI') for line in self.write_hardcoded_parameters(list(self.coups_dep.values())).split('\n') if line != '' ]
replace_dict['dcoupsetdcoup'] = ' ' + '\n'.join( dcoupsetdcoup )
dcoupaccessbuffer = [ ' fptype* %ss = C_ACCESS::idcoupAccessBuffer( couplings, idcoup_%s );'%( name, name ) for name in self.coups_dep ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -956,12 +988,11 @@ def super_generate_parameters_class_files(self):
replace_dict['nbsmip'] = nbsmparam_indep_all_used # NB this is now done also for 'sm' processes (no check on model name, see PR #824)
replace_dict['hasbsmip'] = '' if nbsmparam_indep_all_used > 0 else '//'
replace_dict['bsmip'] = ', '.join( list(bsmparam_indep_real_used) + [ '%s.real(), %s.imag()'%(par,par) for par in bsmparam_indep_complex_used] ) if nbsmparam_indep_all_used > 0 else '(none)'
if 'eft' in self.model_name.lower():
replace_dict['eftwarn0'] = '\n//#warning Support for EFT physics models is still limited for HRDCOD=0 builds (#439 and PR #625)'
replace_dict['eftwarn1'] = '\n//#warning Support for EFT physics models is still limited for HRDCOD=1 builds (#439 and PR #625)'
replace_dict['eftwarn0'] = ''
replace_dict['eftwarn1'] = ''
replace_dict['eftwarn0'] = ''
replace_dict['eftwarn1'] = ''
###if 'eft' in self.model_name.lower():
### replace_dict['eftwarn0'] = '\n//#warning Support for EFT physics models is still limited for HRDCOD=0 builds (#439 and PR #625)'
### replace_dict['eftwarn1'] = '\n//#warning Support for EFT physics models is still limited for HRDCOD=1 builds (#439 and PR #625)'
if len( bsmparam_indep_real_used ) + len( bsmparam_indep_complex_used ) == 0:
replace_dict['eftspecial0'] = '\n // No special handling of non-hardcoded parameters (no additional BSM parameters needed in constant memory)'
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