The blockchain survey system is designed to enable users to create and participate in single-choice surveys, where each survey consists of a question with multiple integer-based options. The system includes functionalities for user registration, survey creation, participation, and automatic or manual survey closure with reward distribution.
- #
registerUser(string memory _username, uint256 _password)
Call this function with your username and password to register. Only registered user can create a survey.
Example: registerUser("username", 1234);
- Vote in a survey
vote(string memory _surveyName, uint256 option)
Vote for a certain survey using its name. Example:
vote("Survey 1", 1)
- End the survey as the owner
endByOwner(string memory _surveyName)
End a certain survey using its name. Only the owner can do that, else return an error.
endByOwner("Survey 1");
- Create a survey
function create_survey(
string memory _surveyName,
string memory _question,
string[] memory _solutions,
uint256 _duration,
uint256 _numAllowedResponses,
uint256 _password)
Create a survey by entering its required parameters. Example:
string[] memory options = new string[](3);
options[0] = "red";
options[1] = "blue";
options[2] = "green";
create_survey{value: 1 ether}("Survey 1", "What is your favorite color?", options, 1, 4,1234);
- View a survey
viewSurvey(string memory _surveyName) public returns
(string memory, string memory, string[] memory,uint256[] memory, uint256, uint256, uint256, uint256)
It gets all the information of the survey
string memory surveyName,
string memory question,
string[] memory surveyOptions,
uint256[] memory answers,
uint256 numAllowedResponses,
uint256 startTime,
uint256 endTime,
uint256 ethReward
) = surveyContract.viewSurvey("Survey 1");
- End now
endNow(string memory _surveyName) private noReentrancy
Ends the survey and send the reward to any participant, require the user to be the owner of the survey
- End Auto
endAuto(string memory _surveyName) private noReentrancy
Ends the survey and send the reward to any participant, no requirement for user roles. Use when a survey is expired.
- struct Survey, used to store the survey infomation
- struct registered_user, used to store user information
- modifier noReentrancy(), a modifier to prevent reentrancy
- mapping(string => Survey) private user_surveys, it's used to map a survey name to a survey
- mapping(string => uint256) private balances, keep track of the balance of each survey
- Register user: Can create a survey, can vote for any survey, can end the survey he creates
- Unregistered user: Can only vote for any survey