Source of the website of a short course.
It is powered by Hugo and the following themes:
Slides for each section are listed in the menu and opened in a new tab (thanks to a custom menu layout, compared to the original Hugo learn theme).
Some Markdown content is generated with R Markdown, using hugodown.
The website is deployed by Netlify.
Slides could be printed to PDF using Decktape which I have done in a concept but I am not pursuing it further.
Why use Hugo for both the website and slidedecks, and not, say Hugo+hugodown for pages and xaringan for slides? This way the source of slides is html produced by Hugo from Markdown content. It allows me to use:
- downlit syntax highlighting for slides created from R Markdown with hugodown output format;
- Chroma syntax highlighting for other languages;
- emojis!
works in slides; - Shortcodes in slides, should I choose to.
Also, because slides are in the content, they are indexed by the Hugo learn theme so searchable!