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This is my 'Podcastr' project 🤗

The 'Podcastr' project.
Built with ❤︎ by Maganez Filho and contributors

📌 Table of Contents

🎨 Layout available for download at:

Direct Download

Logo of Project here

Logo of Project here

👀 Live Website

👉 Click to open Website here

💻 Technologies

This project was made using the follow technologies:

🎯 Purpose and Features

  • A platform built for podcast broadcasting

👷 How to Run

# Clone Repository and change directory to project
$ git clone && cd podcastr

💻 Run Web Project

# Install Dependencies
$ yarn or yarn install

# Run the backend server ('fake server')
$ yarn server

# Run Application
$ yarn dev

Go to http://localhost:3000/ to see the result.

🐛 Issues

Feel free to file a new issue with a respective title and description on the the Podcastr repository. If you already found a solution to your problem, i would love to review your pull request!

🎉 Contributing

First of all, thank you for being interested in helping out, your time is always appreciated in every way. 💯

Here's some tips:

  • Check the issues page for already opened issues (or maybe even closed ones) that might already address your question/bug/feature request.
  • Feature requests are welcomed! Provide some details on why it would be helpful for you and others, explain how you're using bull-board and if possible even some screenshots if you are willing to mock something!

Check out the contributing page to see the best places to file issues, start discussions and begin contributing.

📕 License

Released in 2021 📕 License

Made with ❤︎ by Maganez Filho 🚀.
This project is under the MIT license.

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!