Implement Amasty FAQ extension in Vue Storefront! Comes with a sample layout that you can easiliy customize.
- Magento 2 with VSBridge Indexer and Amasty FAQ extension
- Vue Storefront v1.12 or greater
- Vue Storefront default theme, but can be implemented with capybara.
To implement this module in your project, first you'll need to install our Amasty FAQ Indexer module for Magento 2 / VSBridge Indexer:
- Via composer -
composer require magebit/amasty-faq-indexer
- For manual installation check the README here:
- Clone this repository inside
git clone ./src/modules/amasty-faq
- Register the module in
import { AmastyFaq } from './amasty-faq' export function registerClientModules () { //... registerModule(AmastyFaq) }
- Add API endpoint to your config:
"amasty-faq": { "endpoint": "/api/ext/amasty-faq/ask" },
Amasty FAQ API extension allows you to implement "Ask a question" functionality in product pages.
- Move contents from
- Add
to the list ofregisteredExtensions
in your config file.
To add "Product questions" section and "Ask us a question" modal to your product page, you can use our pre-made ProductQuestions and AskQuestionModal components:
<!-- ... -->
<lazy-hydrate when-idle>
<product-questions :product="getCurrentProduct" />
<!-- ... -->
<ask-question-modal :product-id="" />
import AskQuestionModal from 'src/modules/amasty-faq/components/AskQuestionModal'
import ProductQuestions from 'src/modules/amasty-faq/components/ProductQuestions'
export default {
components: {
// This is needed to load the questions. We are putting it
// here so the questions are server-side rendered
async asyncData () {
//const product = await store.disp...
await store.dispatch('amasty-faq/loadProductQuestions',
Found a bug, have a feature suggestion or just want to help in general? Contributions are very welcome! Check out the list of active issues or submit one yourself.
If you're making a bug report, please include as much details as you can and preferably steps to repreduce the issue. When creating Pull Requests, don't for get to list your changes in the CHANGELOG and README files.
Have questions or need help? Contact us at