Diff & patch JavaScript objects
- min+gzipped ~ 16KB
- browser and server (
folder with bundles for UMD, commonjs, or ES modules) - (optionally) uses google-diff-match-patch for long text diffs (diff at character level)
- smart array diffing using LCS, IMPORTANT NOTE: to match objects inside an array you must provide an
function (this is how objects are matched, otherwise a dumb match by position is used). For more details, check Array diff documentation - reverse a delta
- unpatch (eg. revert object to its original state using a delta)
- simplistic, pure JSON, low footprint delta format
- multiple output formatters:
- html (check it at the Live Demo)
- annotated json (html), makes the JSON delta format self-explained
- console (colored), try running
./node_modules/.bin/jsondiffpatch left.json right.json
- JSON Patch format RFC 6902 support
- write your own! check Formatters documentation
(deep clone)
- Any modern browser and IE8+
And you can test your current browser visiting the test page.
// sample data
var country = {
name: "Argentina",
capital: "Buenos Aires",
independence: new Date(1816, 6, 9),
unasur: true
// clone country, using dateReviver for Date objects
var country2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(country), jsondiffpatch.dateReviver);
// make some changes
country2.name = "Republica Argentina";
country2.population = 41324992;
delete country2.capital;
var delta = jsondiffpatch.diff(country, country2);
assertSame(delta, {
"name":["Argentina","Republica Argentina"], // old value, new value
"population":["41324992"], // new value
"capital":["Buenos Aires", 0, 0] // deleted
// patch original
jsondiffpatch.patch(country, delta);
// reverse diff
var reverseDelta = jsondiffpatch.reverse(delta);
// also country2 can be return to original value with: jsondiffpatch.unpatch(country2, delta);
var delta2 = jsondiffpatch.diff(country, country2);
assert(delta2 === undefined)
// undefined => no difference
Array diffing:
// sample data
var country = {
name: "Argentina",
cities: [
name: 'Buenos Aires',
population: 13028000,
name: 'Cordoba',
population: 1430023,
name: 'Rosario',
population: 1136286,
name: 'Mendoza',
population: 901126,
name: 'San Miguel de Tucuman',
population: 800000,
// clone country
var country2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(country));
// delete Cordoba
country.cities.splice(1, 1);
// add La Plata
country.cities.splice(4, 0, {
name: 'La Plata'
// modify Rosario, and move it
var rosario = country.cities.splice(1, 1)[0];
rosario.population += 1234;
// create a configured instance, match objects by name
var diffpatcher = jsondiffpatch.create({
objectHash: function(obj) {
return obj.name;
var delta = diffpatcher.diff(country, country2);
assertSame(delta, {
"cities": {
"_t": "a", // indicates this node is an array (not an object)
"1": [
// inserted at index 1
"name": "Cordoba",
"population": 1430023
"2": {
// population modified at index 2 (Rosario)
"population": [
"_3": [
// removed from index 3
"name": "La Plata"
}, 0, 0],
"_4": [
// move from index 4 to index 2
'', 2, 3]
For more example cases (nested objects or arrays, long text diffs) check test/examples/
If you want to understand deltas, see delta format documentation
This works for node, or in browsers if you already do bundling on your app
npm install jsondiffpatch
var jsondiffpatch = require('jsondiffpatch').create(options);
In a browser, you could load directly a bundle in /dist
, eg. /dist/jsondiffpatch.umd.js
var jsondiffpatch = require('jsondiffpatch').create({
// used to match objects when diffing arrays, by default only === operator is used
objectHash: function(obj) {
// this function is used only to when objects are not equal by ref
return obj._id || obj.id;
arrays: {
// default true, detect items moved inside the array (otherwise they will be registered as remove+add)
detectMove: true,
// default false, the value of items moved is not included in deltas
includeValueOnMove: false
textDiff: {
// default 60, minimum string length (left and right sides) to use text diff algorythm: google-diff-match-patch
minLength: 60
propertyFilter: function(name, context) {
this optional function can be specified to ignore object properties (eg. volatile data)
name: property name, present in either context.left or context.right objects
context: the diff context (has context.left and context.right objects)
return name.slice(0, 1) !== '$';
cloneDiffValues: false /* default false. if true, values in the obtained delta will be cloned
(using jsondiffpatch.clone by default), to ensure delta keeps no references to left or right objects. this becomes useful if you're diffing and patching the same objects multiple times without serializing deltas.
instead of true, a function can be specified here to provide a custom clone(value)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type='text/javascript' src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/jsondiffpatch/dist/jsondiffpatch.umd.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./style.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../formatters-styles/html.css" type="text/css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../formatters-styles/annotated.css" type="text/css" />
<div id="visual"></div>
<div id="annotated"></div>
var left = { a: 3, b: 4 };
var right = { a: 5, c: 9 };
var delta = jsondiffpatch.diff(left, right);
// beautiful html diff
document.getElementById('visual').innerHTML = jsondiffpatch.formatters.html.format(delta, left);
// self-explained json
document.getElementById('annotated').innerHTML = jsondiffpatch.formatters.annotated.format(delta, left);
To see formatters in action check the Live Demo.
For more details check Formatters documentation
, patch()
and reverse()
functions are implemented using Pipes & Filters pattern, making it extremely customizable by adding or replacing filters on a pipe.
Check Plugins documentation for details.