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Webpack 3 boilerplate for web creative coding and simple stuff

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          ____        _ __                __      __
         / __ )____  (_) /__  _________  / /___ _/ /____
        / __  / __ \/ / / _ \/ ___/ __ \/ / __ `/ __/ _ \
       / /_/ / /_/ / / /  __/ /  / /_/ / / /_/ / /_/  __/
      /_____/\____/_/_/\___/_/  / .___/_/\__,_/\__/\___/


  • Webpack 3
  • Babel
  • ES6 ready
  • Autoprefixer
  • Stylus
  • Targetable browser
  • Easy configurable devServer
  • Network sharing
  • Hot reload
  • WebGL shaders import

Requirement :

Webpack 3

Node version recommended :

Node : v7.4.0
npm : 4.0.5

Running Dev Environement

Dev are in the /src repository The /build folder can be entirely rebuild from the src folder, so DO NOT place any needed assets in the build folder ! ONLY in the /src directory, they will be copied in the build during export.

Installation of Webpack : npm i -g webpack webpack-dev-server

##To start :

  1. Clone the project & cd path/to/the/clonned/repository
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm start
  4. Go to localhost:3000 on your browser.

Config as you wish

All the avaliable options are stored in the settings.config.js in the root of your project

You can play with those options :

browsersTarget: ["last 2 versions"],        // Target browser for autocomplete and Babel config, full list here :
port: 3000,                                 // the listening port of your devServer
https: false,                               // Need https ?
sourceMap: true,                            // SourceMap options for styles
shared: true,                               // Visible on your local network ?
inline: true,                               // inline ou iframe reloading
proxy: {                                    // setup proxy paths
    '/api': {
        target: '',
        secure: false

Stylus import

Stylus will find automaticly all your .styl files, just re-run the server ! ( all files starting with _yourFile.styl will be ignored )

To build :

Run npm run build

Tools :

Simple easing functions

Some mathematics easing equations

Only considering the t value for the range [0, 1]

Simple linear tweening

No easing, no acceleration

Math.linear = function (t) { return t }

Quadratic easing in

Accelerating from zero velocity

Math.easeInQuad = function (t) { return t*t }

Quadratic easing out

Decelerating from zero velocity

Math.easeOutQuad = function (t) { return t*(2-t) }

Quadratic easing in-out

Acceleration until halfway, then deceleration

Math.easeInOutQuad = function (t) { return t<.5 ? 2*t*t : -1+(4-2*t)*t }

Cubic easing in

Accelerating from zero velocity

Math.easeInCubic = function (t) { return t*t*t }

Cubic easing out

Decelerating to zero velocity

Math.easeOutCubic = function (t) { return (--t)*t*t+1 }

Cubic easing in-out

Acceleration until halfway, then deceleration

Math.easeInOutCubic = function (t) { return t<.5 ? 4*t*t*t : (t-1)*(2*t-2)*(2*t-2)+1 }

Quart easing in

Accelerating from zero velocity

Math.easeInQuart = function (t) { return t*t*t*t }

Quart easing out

Decelerating to zero velocity

Math.easeOutQuart = function (t) { return 1-(--t)*t*t*t }

Quart easing in-out

Acceleration until halfway, then deceleration

Math.easeInOutQuart = function (t) { return t<.5 ? 8*t*t*t*t : 1-8*(--t)*t*t*t }

Quint easing in

Accelerating from zero velocity

Math.easeInQuint = function (t) { return t*t*t*t }

Quint easing out

Decelerating to zero velocity

Math.easeOutQuint = function (t) { return 1-(--t)*t*t*t }

Quint easing in-out

Acceleration until halfway, then deceleration

Math.easeInOutQuint = function (t) { return t<.5 ? 8*t*t*t*t : 1-8*(--t)*t*t*t }

UI Tools


There is a global object for storing data and recovering it anywhere.

Simply use :

STORAGE.my_var = "foo";

and after :

let my_var = STORAGE.my_var;

Framerate Visualizer

There is a FPS light weight homemade visualizer very simple to use.

alt tag

import * as tools from './lib/tools.class.js'

var frameRateUI = new tools.FrameRateUI

and in your requestAnimationFrame() call :



The AudioAnalyzer is here to help you to build some cools animations from a sound. You will be able to create some controls points based on a frequecy for animated your elements

alt tag

import * as tools from './lib/tools.class.js'

var audioAnalyzer = new tools.AudioAnalyzer({
        url: url,
        samplingFrequency: 256,
        playerUI: true,
        autoplay: true,
        debug: true,

      bufferPosition : //your frequency number between 0 and the buffer size

The AudioAnalyzer has some helpful methods :


All the controls are stored in the array :


Each control as a method for changing is frequency :

audioAnalyzer.controls[index].shift( //your new frequency number between 0 and the buffer size )

And don't forget in your requestAnimationFrame() to call :



Webpack 3 boilerplate for web creative coding and simple stuff






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