The code is based on the exponential sine sweep method and its modifications, proposed by A. Farina [1, 2]. The python package sounddevice
is used for recording and playback.
- Utilities:
- Computing and signal processing:
- Recording and playback:
- Plotting and vizualization
The main file used to record a room impulse response is
. When running it for the first time from the terminal, a file with default parameters is created in _data/defaults.npy
(recording doesn't take place when running the script for the first time.)
=> python
Default settings not detected. Creating a defaults file in _data
After default settings have been generated, they can be checked by typing
python --defaults
The output should be (the different parameters will be explained later)
amplitude => 0.2
duration => 10
startsilence => 1
endsilence => 1
reps => 1
fs => 44100
inputChannelMap => [1]
outputChannelMap => [1]
inputdevice => 0
outputdevice => 1
sweeprange => [0, 0]
Some of the measurement settings can be passed as command line parameters. To see available options type
python --help
To see a list of available input and output devices, with the corresponding number of input and output channels type python --listdev
in the terminal. The output looks something like this:
=> python --listdev
> 0 MacBook Pro Microphone, Core Audio (1 in, 0 out)
< 1 MacBook Pro Speakers, Core Audio (0 in, 2 out)
Default input and output device: [0, 1]
If there are other devices available they should appear in the list as well. Then, desired input/output devices can be selected using their corresponding number in the list, and the keywords -indev
(for input device) and -outdev
(for output device). For example:
python --setdev -indev 0 -outdev 1
To start a recording from the command line with custom parameters, type:
python -dur 2 -r 2 -a 0.5 -ss 2 -es 1 -chin 1 -chou 2
Setting the sine sweep duration to 2 seconds:
-dur 2
Choosing the number of sweep repetitions
-r 2
Setting the sweep amplitude:
-a 0.5
Setting the silence at the start and at the end of a sweep (e.g., 2 seconds and 1 second, respectively):
-ss 2 -es 1
Setting the input and output channels (for example to channel 1 and channel 2, respectively)
-chin 1 -chou 2
One can also record multiple channels simultaneously, for instance by setting
-chin 1 2 3
(if the channels are available). The number of available channels can be seen by --listdev
[1] A. Farina, Simultaneous Measurement of Impulse Response and Distortion with a Swept-Sine Technique, 108th Audio Engineering Society Convention, 2000
[2] A. Farina, Advancements in impulse response measurements by sine sweeps, 122nd Audio Engineering Society Convention, 2007
developed by Maja Taseska at KU Leuven, ESAT-STADIUS.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details