Rereskillable is a mod for Minecraft 1.16.5 that adds upgradeable skills and allows pack developers to lock different features behind those skills. Rereskillable is also compatible with Curios API - items that are put into curios slots will behave the same as armour. Heavily inspired by Reskillable and Skillable.
This mod allows you to lock:
- Items (using, wearing)
- Blocks (breaking, placing)
- Entities (mounting)
Config options include:
- Disabling sheep wool drops
- Changing the starting upgrade cost in XP levels
- Changing the maximum skill level
- Specifying a list of skill locks
A new lock can be added by adding a string to the skillLocks list:
"mod:id skill:level"
For example:
"minecraft:ender_pearl magic:5"
"minecraft:bow attack:3 agility:2"
"minecraft:horse agility:10"
To set a skill level:
/skills set [player] [skill] [level]
To get a skill level:
/skills get [player] [skill]
- You can't lock the Totem of Undying from being used.
- You can block items from being used regardless of skill only by setting the requirement to a level above max skill level (example: "minecraft:shield magic:69")
I stopped working on this mod and there will not be a Fabric port from me.
But if anyone wants to fork this mod or port it to Fabric, feel free to do it, you can do anything with this code.
Feel free to use this mod in any modpacks, but please do add a credit to the modpack's page.
Reskillable and Skillable