This project is designed to be a modular image grabber/crawler written in node.js.
It's main purpose is derived from this XKCD quote:
With the collapse of the dollar the government has endorsed an alternate currency. Your monetary worth is now determined by the number of funny pictures savedto your hard drive.
The name was borrowed from the 'fucking magnets' meme.
npm install
# together with mediengewitter the image_folder should be the same as public/content !
image_folder=/data/images node magnets.js
download all the funny pictures on the internet directly to your hard disk
extensible plugin facility with multi-module support
modules for high-quality funny pics
- icanhascheezburger-network like failblog and lolcats
- kqe
- bildschirmarbeiter
- ... more
- Live Ticker (scheduler) - partly implemented
- Other Plugins ( recently added cheezburger_network)
- Add debugging and inspection howto
- Support commandline options like loglevel
- Use node-htmlparser instead of own regex (used in cheezburger as first plugin
- meta data for every picture
- Trollopjs for commandline parsing
- Node-Streamlogger for logging
- Node-Htmlparser for Screen Scraping
- soupselect for CSS selectors after HTML-parsing
- Coloredjs for colored VT100 output
- node-wwwdude for http-connections
in short: npm install trollop htmlparser soupselect
This is not necessary as wwwdude supports redirects! For historic reasons -> $ for i in *; do file $i; done | grep HTML | awk '{print $1}' | sed -e 's/://' | xargs rm -v