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Mips Portal

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This project (makerdao-mips) is a MIPs Tracker for MakerDAO Improvement Proposals.


Requires git to be installed and that it can be found here.


Node version 14.x.x LTS or above


High Level Diagram


Command to parse MakerDAO mips repository manually

npx nestjs-command parse:mips

Environment vars .env file





Creating a personal access token (GIT_ACCESS_API_TOKEN)

You should create a personal access token to use in place of a password with the command line or with the API. Personal access tokens (PATs) are an alternative to using passwords for authentication to when using the GitHub API or the command line.

Creating a token

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.


  2. In the left sidebar, click Developer settings.


  3. In the left sidebar, click Personal access tokens.


  4. Click Generate new token.


  5. Give your token a descriptive name.

    Token description field

  6. Select the scopes, or permissions, you'd like to grant this token. To use your token to access repositories from the command line, select repo.

    Selecting token scopes

  7. Click Generate token.

    Generate token button

  8. Click to copy the token to your clipboard. For security reasons, after you navigate off the page, you will not be able to see the token again.

    Newly created token

    Newly created token

    Warning: Treat your tokens like passwords and keep them secret. When working with the API, use tokens as environment variables instead of hardcoding them into your programs.

Further reading github

Webhooks documentation (WEBHOOKS_SECRET_TOKEN equal to secret)

Webhooks allow you to build or set up integrations, such as GitHub Apps or OAuth Apps, which subscribe to certain events on When one of those events is triggered, we'll send a HTTP POST payload to the webhook's configured URL. Webhooks can be used to update an external issue tracker, trigger CI builds, update a backup mirror, or even deploy to your production server. You're only limited by your imagination.


Further reading webhooks

Api URL. Documented with Swagger

Findall endpoint

Function that lists all mips.

findall endpoint, search parameter

In the search parameter, specify a string of words that the text operator parses and uses to query the text index. The text operator treats most punctuation in the string as delimiters, except a hyphen-minus (-) that negates term or an escaped double quotes " that specifies a phrase.

Examples of search (Ignore parenthesis)
  • Specifies a phrase ("General MIP Templat")
  • Negate term (-MIP)

findall endpoint, filter parameter

Filter field with various filter patterns. (contains, notcontains, equals, notequals)

  "filter": {
    "contains": [
        "field": "title",
        "value": "Proposal"
    "notcontains": [
        "field": "title",
        "value": "subproposal"
    "equals": [
        "field": "mip",
        "value": -1
    "notequals": [
        "field": "mip",
        "value": -1

findall endpoint, sort parameter

  • Order 'mip -title', means: order parameter (mip ASC and title DESC)

findall endpoint, limit parameter

  • Limit per page, default value 10

findall endpoint, page parameter

  • Page, default value equal to zero


Menu appears horizontally along of top page, and is formed through a config JSON file existing in MIPs repository. Menu support second level menu items and can link to any valid URL. It is located at frontend/src/assets/data/menu.json

Creating a menu


  "data": [
          "id": "item1",
          "name": "Item 1",
          "href": "URL1"         
          "id": "item2",
          "name": "Item 2",
          "children": [
                  "id": "subitem2",
                  "name": "Sub Item 2",
                  "href": "URL2"

Result in frontend

image image


Documentation referent to the DAO MIPs Portal database (MongoDB)

This data dictionary describes the fields available in the collections within the DAO database.

The database's technology is MongoDB and the diagram is detailed in the diagram below:


Data Dictionary

This data dictionary describes the fields available in the collections within the DAO database.

The database's technology is MongoDB and the diagram can be found in




Collection Field Name Type Description
MIP _id objectid PK. Unique identifier generated by MongoDB
MIP components [{}] MIP.components List of Items used to show the sidebar under the Content
MIP cName string Sub Items (MIP subsection's nomenclature) used to show the sidebar under the Content
MIP cTitle string Sub Items (title subsection) used to show the sidebar under the Content
MIP cBody string Sub Items (text of subsection) used to show the sidebar under the Content
MIP references [{}] MIP.references List of Items used to show under the References section
MIP name string Sub Item (name of the reference) of Items used to show under the References section
MIP link string Sub Item (link to the reference) of Items used to show under the References section
MIP sectionsRaw [] string List of every section in the document (raw format of the md)
MIP sections[{}] MIP.sections List of the headings in the document and their heading level
MIP heading string Sub item (text of the heading) of the headings in the document and their heading level
MIP depth double Sub item (level of the heading) of the headings in the document and their heading level
MIP mipComponent string
MIP dependencies [] string Field used to list the references
MIP tags [] string Field used to list the tags
MIP contributors [] string Field used to list the contributors
MIP author string Field used to show the author
MIP proposal string MIP name of the father, in the case of a subproposal
MIP mipFather bool Boolean indicating if the item is a father of a subproposal
MIP subproposal double Subproposal number
MIP mip double Quantity of MIPs
MIP language string Language of the MIP, nomenclature
MIP hash string Hash code of the file source of the mips
MIP file string File text of the source
MIP filename string File url inside Github repository
MIP mipName string MIP name
MIP sentenceSummary string Sentence summary text
MIP dateProposed string Date the MIP was proposed
MIP dateRatified string Date the MIP was ratified
MIP status string MIP status
MIP title string MIP title
MIP subproposalCount double Amount of subproposals if any
MIP mipCodeNumber string MIP code used to sorting purposes
MIP _v double Version of the dataset
MIP paragraphSummary string Paragraph summary text
MIP replaces string Replace the text based on the translation
MIP types string MIP type
MIP votingPortalLink string Link to the Voting Portal
MIP forumLink string Link to the Forum
PullRequest _id objectid PK. Unique identifier generated by MongoDB
PullRequest author {} Author to the PullRequest
PullRequest login string PullRequest's author login account
PullRequest state string State of the PullRequest
PullRequest files {} PullRequest.files Files Affected by the PullRequest
PullRequest nodes [{}] PullRequest.files.nodes Sub item (nodes in git structure) of Files Affected by the PullRequest
PullRequest path string Sub item (path of each node) of Files Affected by the PullRequest
PullRequest totalCount double Sub item (total amount) of Files Affected by the PullRequest
PullRequest url string Url of the PullRequest
PullRequest title string Title of the PullRequest
PullRequest body string Body text of the PullRequest
PullRequest createdAt string Creation Date of the PullRequest
PullRequest _v double Version od the dataset
Meta _id objectid PK. Unique identifier generated by MongoDB
Meta language string Language nomenclature
Meta translations string List of Translations of the language
Meta _v double Version of the dataset