Blockchain Certificate schemas extend those of Open Badges. As with Open Badges, we've provided both a JSON-LD context and JSON schema. The purpose of the JSON-LD context is to map types to Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs), providing semantic context for data. The JSON Schema is used for syntactic validation.
This python package allows verification of a Blockchain Certificate against the JSON schemas as a convenience. This is not the same as verifying the contents of a certificate against what is stored on the blockchain. See the cert-verifier-js project.
The following is a Blockchain Certificate issued on the testnet Bitcoin network.
"@context": [
"type": "Assertion",
"id": "urn:uuid:bbba8553-8ec1-445f-82c9-a57251dd731c",
"badge": {
"id": "urn:uuid:82a4c9f2-3588-457b-80ea-da695571b8fc",
"type": "BadgeClass",
"name": "Certificate of Accomplishment",
"image": "data:image/png;base64,...",
"description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mei docendi concludaturque ad, cu nec partem graece. Est aperiam consetetur cu, expetenda moderatius neglegentur ei nam, suas dolor laudem eam an.",
"criteria": {
"narrative": "Nibh iriure ei nam, modo ridens neglegentur mel eu. At his cibo mucius."
"issuer": {
"id": "",
"type": "Profile",
"name": "University of Learning",
"url": "",
"email": "",
"revocationList": "",
"image": "data:image/png;..."
"recipient": {
"hashed": false,
"identity": "",
"type": "email"
"recipientProfile": {
"type": [
"publicKey": "ecdsa-koblitz-pubkey:mtr98kany9G1XYNU74pRnfBQmaCg2FZLmc",
"name": "Eularia Landroth"
"issuedOn": "2017-06-29T14:58:57.461422+00:00",
"verification": {
"publicKey": "ecdsa-koblitz-pubkey:msBCHdwaQ7N2ypBYupkp6uNxtr9Pg76imj",
"type": [
"signature": {
"type": [
"targetHash": "637ec732fa4b7b56f4c15a6a12680519a17a9e9eade09f5b424a48eb0e6f5ad0",
"merkleRoot": "f029b45bb1a7b1f0b970f6de35344b73cccd16177b4c037acbc2541c7fc27078",
"anchors": [
"sourceId": "d75b7a5bdb3d5244b753e6b84e987267cfa4ffa7a532a2ed49ad3848be1d82f8",
"type": "BTCOpReturn"
"proof": [
"right": "11174e220fe74de907d1107e2a357e41434123f2948fc6b946fbfd7e3e3eecd1"
Details on Blockcerts extensions to Open Badges
- First time info
- Publish script:
This project uses tox to validate against several python environments.
Ensure you have an python environment. Recommendations
Run tests
Note that json-schema-to-markdown doesn't handle ref schemas well, so you will need to manually update any 'undefined' references.
builds the markdown-formatted schemas from json
Contact with questions