NOTE: As of 10-06-2022 at 20:02 IST, I am archiving this repository. It was fun while it lasted.
Youtube clone using PERN stack (Postgres, Express, React, Node).
This is the backend repository, built with Express + Sequelize. If you are looking for the frontend repository, click here
- sequelize - ORM for sql dialects
- jsonwebtoken - authentication
- bcryptjs - password hashing
- Login/#
- Upload video
- Search video by channel name
- Search video by title, description
- Like/Dislike video
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe from channels
- Add comment
- Edit profile (avatar, cover)
- Liked videos
- History
At the root of your project create an .env file with the following contents:
JWT_EXPIRE=30d // or any reasonable value that you prefer
Then run npm i
and npm run dev
to start the development server
For more detailed instructions, click here
Create your heroku account and install the heroku cli tool globally and login
npm i -g heroku
heroku login
Go to the root of this project, create an new heroku app and push it to the remote 'heroku'
heroku create
git push heroku master
Once the build finished successfully, you need to go to your heroku dashboard for this app and add the .env manually. If it sounds confusing, refer this guide
You can also use the heroku postgres addon and use that database for this clone
heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
Now you can use the DATABASE_URL connection string from heroku postgres and use that in your .env. To get your connection string use:
heroku config # if everything worked you will a connection string
With this clone, I am finishing what I call 'my clone trilogy'. If you are interested, you can visit my other clones that are part of this trilogy