This is SAI graphics library for simulation displays. It uses CHAI3D. You will need to download and build Chai3d before you can install sai-graphics.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. && make -j8
cd ..
Go to the build/examples/one_of_the_examples folder and run the example. For example 1 :
cd build/examples/01-parse_world_and_robot
The documentation can also be accessed online at the following link
It can also be generated locally with doxygen:
cd docs
SAI graphics rendering supports visuals defined by primitive shapes (box, shpere, cylinder) and the following mesh file formats:
- obj (with associated mtl files)
- 3ds
- stl (binary stl only, not ascii stl) Files using other format can be converted using a software like blender.
- When converting files to obj using blender, the associated mtl will often have a line defining the Ka value that will put all the Ka values to 1:
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
. This will make all the material appear white as they will emit white light. You will need to replace this withKa 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
in order to see the actual colors of the material definition. - When converting files using blender, be careful to keep the same import and export conditions (for example, Y forward, Z up). Different file formats tend to have different default conventions.
Currently pending licensing. PLEASE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE.