Org provides transformation of a selected subset of org-mode markup for wikis.
If you fancy emacs' org-mode and would like to use its power for a wiki based on plain-text files you should check this out. Org tries to stay compatible with org-mode, but does not support the full syntax. The most notable features you will find are table of contents, tables, headers, links and simple physical text formatting. One feature org-mode doesn't provide (AFAIK) is code highlighting, since the preferred way is to simply link to the file containing the code, but that is a bit impractical in a wiki, so I added this feature.
- Headers
- Links
- Tables
- Text markup
- StringScanner (ruby stdlib)
- CodeRay (optional)
- Uv (optional)
For a nice intro to the syntax supported by Org please check the [doc/] file.