greetings ! this is a beginner's first attempt at making something in javascript. hope it is not too buggy
deployed on this website as of 2025.
"absolute orchestra" ~ fwyr
For a detailed list of changes, see the file.
To see the list of known issues (in the process of fixing as of now), see the file.
everything is written in vanilla html and js. tailwindcss is used for styling purposes.
open index.html
to test. to compile tailwindcss, run npm run dev
- play with both halves of your keyboard (or only opt for one half)
- transpose to a different key
- shift up and down octaves
- play accidentals
- control the "sustain pedal" (wwwwww)
- view statistics on amount of time spent & no. of notes played
- control the volume
- change instruments to different ones (from Sky: CoTL) or synths
- add effects to instrument (e.g. distortion) which you can adjust
- record and save your melodies
- you can turn the lights off (?)
- water collection feature (reward TBC)
ALSO: visual guide showing corresponding notes to keyboard keys is included
just press random keys to get started. it can be a lot of fun ! (especially if you're familiar with the Sky: CoTL music keyboard like i am)
tap away!
- piano (sky)
- e-guitar (sky)
- music box (mcbeeringi)
- flute (sky)
- horn (sky)
- bugle (sky)
- synth
- duo synth
- FM synth
- AM synth
- meow
- otto - doo
- otto - synth
- guitar (sky)
- Specy, the pioneer in emulation of Sky CoTL music
- McbeEringi, who has compiled wonderful samples in their Sky Music repo
- fwyr, my most charming friend and code debugger
- neut, my lovely beta-tester
- melon, music nerd & UI mastermind
- maple, the ultimate games guy
- kkura, dearest ever-helpful rubber duck
- Mich, providing lasting peer-support and encouragement
- Peridot, mon ami musicien talentueux
and the other incredibly supportive musicians over at Sky Musician Network.