Releases: maplibre/maputnik
Releases · maplibre/maputnik
Changes since Maputnik v2.0.0
✨ Features and improvements
- Add GitHub workflows for releasing new versions
- Update desktop build to pull from this repo (#922)
Switches to MapLibre v2 from Mapbox GL v1.
See release notes at
Update 24 Jul 2020:
- Replaced Maputnik desktop CLI binaries for Linux, OSX and Windows (Desktop v1.0.7)
This release includes
- Fix for data functions
- Added OS Zoomstack to sample styles
- Added color accessibility UI
- Better support for OpenLayers
- Assets now served up by
- Added support for ‘fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient’ and ‘symbol-z-order’
- Export file named as the style name (if available)
- Prompt user before loading style from the querystring
- Add visible drag handle to layers list
- Added option to enable showOverdrawInspector for MapboxGl
- Fix layer wobbling on hover
- Use access token on style change
- Fix for custom layer property triggering infinite loop
- Use StringInput for ‘formatted’ field type
- Keep inspect mode consistent across renderer changes
- Allow dev server to be bound to different host IP address
- Prevent native browser undo/redo
- Fix for buggy string/number inputs when inputting invalid intermediate values
- Add semi-hidden debug panel, opened with ! shortcut
- Added visualizePitch: true to MapboxGl.NavigationControl
- Make popups scrollable
- Added more webdriver tests
- Also general updates and maintenance fixes across for codebase
This release includes access to Thunderforest vector tiles from the data sources modal. A big thanks goes to Thunderforest for providing us an access token for use within the editor.
Other smaller fixes and features include
- Added
query parameter - Added support for ‘raster-resampling’
- Updated mapbox dependencies
Update 09 Feb 2019 (by @pathmapper):
- Added Maputnik desktop CLI binaries for Linux, OSX and Windows to the release assets
- Added Survey (#328)
- Updated osm-liberty repository for change of ownership (#333)
- Add loading modal for styles (#330)
- Added url option to display tile boundaries (#315)
- Added keyboard shortcuts + modal (#313)
- Color blindness emulation via url option (#312)
- Added skip-menu link for keyboard users (#309)
- Added keyboard accessible layer options (#306)
- Disable spellcheck on
's (#304) - Added support for encoding to raster-dem source, enabling terrarium tiles (#302)
- Added prefers-reduced-motion support (#296)
- Made color swatch larger to make it easier for visually imparied users (#297)
- Added accessible modal via react-aria-modal (#300)
- Made buttons actual
s so they are keyboard accessible (#298)
- Improved key bindings, undo/redo now uses the correct shortcuts on OSX
- Inspect mode after style change no longer buggy
- Heatmap layer type added
- Raster-dem layer type added, you can now do hillshading
- Version string displayed in the UI
- Added support for icon anchor/pitch-alignment
- Added support for circle translate-anchor/pitch-alignment
- Support added for styles without 'glyphs'
- Data functions now support styles without a zoom value
- Autocomplete is functional again
- Removed anonymous gist export as it is no longer supported by GitHub
- More robust/complete automated tests via Webdriver
- A zoom level indicator in the main UI. This should make zoom specific styling a lot easier
- Clickable layer tooltips. Clicking on a layer from the map tooltip now opens the layer in the layers panel
- Update to Mapbox GL JS (v0.43.0)
- A button to expand/collapse all layers in the layers panel
- ‘Load from URL’ option is now available in the open modal
- A field to add comments to a layer
- Data driven styling. Alongside zoom functions you can now find a data-driven styling toggle for supported fields.