Installs and configures Lustre 2.8.0 server and clients. The configuration is a simplified setup inspired by
| MGS/MDS Module |
| |
| ----------- |
|MGT01 <-| |-> |
|MDT01 <-| Shared |-> |
| | | Storage | | |
| | | | | |
| | ----------- | |
| | | |
| ----------- ----------- |
| | MDS01 | | MDS02 | |
| | Active | | Standby | |
| ----------- ----------- |
----------- |
| | |
| Clients | | -----------------------------
| | -------------------------------| OSS Module |
----------- NETWORK | |
| ----------- |
|OST01 <-| |-> |
| | <-| Shared |-> OST02|
| | | Storage | | |
| | | | | |
| | ----------- | |
| | | |
| ----------- ----------- |
| | OSS01 | | OSS02 | |
| | Active | | Active | |
| ----------- ----------- |
Server supported only on CentOS 6. Clients supported on CentOS 6/7.
For introduction to lustre see "Using the Lustre File System - Cyberinfrastructure Tutor" and
Assuming you have VirtualBox and Vagrant installed
$ git clone
$ cd vagrant-lustre-tutorial
$ vagrant up mds01 && sleep 10 && vagrant reload mds01
$ vagrant up mds02 && sleep 10 && vagrant reload mds02
$ vagrant up oss01 && sleep 10 && vagrant reload oss01
$ vagrant up oss02 && sleep 10 && vagrant reload oss02
$ vagrant up centos7 && sleep 10 && vagrant reload centos7
Note: vagrant-reload plugin is no longer maintained so we cannot reload a VM from within Vagrantfile
(see aidanns/vagrant-reload#6) and we need to use up
followed by reload
Test the basic funcionality of the lustre filesystem with, e.g.::
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lctl dl'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs osts'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/lustre/testfile bs=1M count=512'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs getstripe /lustre'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs find /lustre -type f -print'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs df -h'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'rm -f /lustre/testfile'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'mkdir /lustre/stripe_2'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs setstripe -c 2 /lustre/stripe_2'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/lustre/stripe_2/testfile bs=1M count=512'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs getstripe /lustre/stripe_2/testfile'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'rm -rf /lustre/stripe_2'"
Benchmark with IOR, see ( referenced at Testing file-per-process (only one ior process used here) small, random IO, assuming the server has 256MB RAM::
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'wget -O ior-3.0.1.tar.gz'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'tar zxf ior-3.0.1.tar.gz'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'yum -y install automake'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'cd ior-3.0.1; sh bootstrap'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'yum -y install openmpi-devel'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c '. /etc/profile.d/; module load mpi; cd ior-3.0.1; ./configure'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c '. /etc/profile.d/; module load mpi; cd ior-3.0.1; make'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c '. /etc/profile.d/; module load mpi; mpirun --allow-run-as-root -np 1 --bynode ior-3.0.1/src/ior -v -a POSIX -i5 -g -e -w -r 512m -b 4m -o /lustre/testfile -F -C -b 256k -t 4k -O lustreStripeCount=1 -z random'"
Other benchmarks from
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'yum -y install bonnie++'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'bonnie++ -d /lustre -r 256 -u root'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'yum -y install'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'yum -y install iozone'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'iozone –w –M –t 1 –s 512m –r 1m -i 0 –i 1 –F /lustre -R'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'wget'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'mkdir mdtest-1.9.3; cd mdtest-1.9.3'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'cd mdtest-1.9.3; tar zxf ../mdtest-1.9.3.tgz'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'sed -i \"s/OS=.*/OS=Linux/\" mdtest-1.9.3/Makefile'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'yum -y install openmpi-devel'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c '. /etc/profile.d/; module load mpi; cd mdtest-1.9.3; MPI_CC=mpicc make'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c '. /etc/profile.d/; module load mpi; ./mdtest-1.9.3/mdtest –I 10 –i 5 –z 5 –b 2 –d /lustre'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'dd if=/dev/zero of=/lustre/testfile bs=1M count=512 oflag=direct conv=fdatasync'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'rm -f /lustre/testfile'"
Test other clients::
$ vagrant up centos6 && sleep 10 && vagrant reload centos6
$ vagrant ssh centos6 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs df -h'"
$ # vagrant ssh centos6_lustre18 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs df -h'" # this build seems not working with lustre-2.8: mds01 says "... is it running a compatible version of Lustre ..."
$ # vagrant ssh ubuntu12 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs df -h'" # hangs with lustre-2.7
$ # vagrant ssh ubuntu12 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs df -h'" # interestingly lustre-utils 1.8.5 seems to work still with lustre-2.8 ...
Test vagrant user access to the filesystem::
$ vagrant ssh centos6 -c "sudo su -c 'mkdir /lustre/vagrant'"
$ vagrant ssh centos6 -c "sudo su -c 'chown vagrant.vagrant /lustre/vagrant'"
$ vagrant ssh centos6 -c "sudo su - vagrant -c 'touch /lustre/vagrant/testfile'"
Note: users' uid/gid on the client must agree with those on mds.
Test (manual) failover of an OST::
$ vagrant ssh oss02 -c "sudo su -c 'umount /lustre/ost02'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs df -h'" # this will hang
$ vagrant ssh oss01 -c "sudo su -c 'echo \"/dev/sdc /lustre/ost02 lustre defaults 0 0\" >> /etc/fstab'"
$ vagrant ssh oss01 -c "sudo su -c 'mkdir -p /lustre/ost02'"
$ vagrant ssh oss01 -c "sudo su -c 'mount /lustre/ost02'"
$ vagrant ssh centos7 -c "sudo su -c 'lfs df -h'"
When done, destroy the test machines with::
$ vagrant destroy -f
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