This extension provides string manipulation commands for any selected text as well as multiple selections.
Current string functions available:
- camelize
- capitalize
- classify
- chop - split into groups provided n # of characters
- clean
- clean diacritics
- dasherize
- decapitalize
- humanize
- reverse
- screaming snake
- sentence
- slugify
- snake
- underscore
- swap case
- titleize
- titleize (AP Style)
- titleize (Chicago Style)
- truncate - trims string to n # of characters and appends ellipsis
- prune - truncate but keeps ellipsis within character count provided
- repeat - repeat selection n #of times
- convert between unicode and readable characters.
Number related functions:
- increment all numbers in selection
- decrement all numbers in selection
- duplicate selection and increment all number
- duplicate selection and decrement all number
- sequence all numbers in selection from first number
To use these commands, press ⌘+p and enter any of the commands above while text is selected in your editor.
Introducing String Manipulation Labs
We’re excited to announce the launch of String Manipulation Labs—a collection of (really just one at this moment) experimental features designed to enhance and expand the capabilities of the String Manipulation extension. Labs features are disabled by default to ensure a stable experience with the core functionalities.
To try out the new Labs features, follow these simple steps:
1. Open VSCode Settings:
• Press Ctrl + , (Windows/Linux) or Cmd + , (macOS), or navigate to File > Preferences > Settings.
2. Search for Labs Settings:
• In the search bar, type stringManipulation.labs.
3. Enable Labs Features:
• Toggle the String Manipulation Labs setting to On.
Since Labs features are experimental, your feedback is invaluable! Let us know your thoughts, report any issues, or suggest improvements to help us refine these tools.
Thank you for using String Manipulation! Your support helps us build better tools for the community.