This is a web application about meals and drinks from around the world. You can search based on ingredients, name or first letters. There are video instructions on how to prepare it and you can save and favorite the ones you like. It was part of my Web Development course at Trybe. It was developed in a team effort and and the goal was to practice React. We choose to use function components, React Hooks and Context API. It was part of the project to write tests with React Testing Library and Jest.
React, React Hooks, Context API, ES6, HTML5, CSS, RTL, Jest
npm install
npm start
npm run cy
To check test coverage:
npm run test-coverage
Part of the project was developed on pair programming, part was developed on single programming, where my part was to code the favorites component. Files and folders mentioned bellow were developed by the team, all other files and folders were developed by Trybe.
project-recipes-app/src /components /context /pages /services /styles /tests