This is the Project of the Course Applied Cryptography of the Master in Cybersecurity at the University of Pisa.
It is a simple Client-Server cloud storage application that is developed with security in mind.
First: git-clone the entire codebase
First lets start the server.
- Navigate to ../../Group5_Applied_Cryptography/src/server
- type 'make'
- Launch server with ./serverPr
The server is now running. Nothing more needs to be done
Now lets launch the client.
- Navigate to ../../Group5_Applied_Cryptography/src/client
- type 'make'
- Launch server with ./clientPr {registeredUsername} {portnumber}
- Type 'login'
- Enter the chosen password
The client is now logged in.
registeredUsername = One of the usernames that is already present, as described in the project requirements
The project contains a small manual that can be accessed with the command 'help'. The manual also contains the required formatting of all the available commands.