fuzzierinter is a fuzzy search engine that only shows what you want.
Go to FI's website and start searching!
IN "<website>"
Only search results from a specific website.SEARCH "<query>"
Search for a word or phrase.OR <query>
Search for a second thing.AND <query>
Search for a second thing that must be in both the first and second query.EXACT <str>
Search for an exact string.NOT <query>
Exclude a word or phrase.FROM <content / title / description>
Search only on the content, title or description of the page.SORT <linked / date>
Sort the results by times linked or date.ORDER <asc / desc>
Order the results in ascending or descending order.
You can also search for a term in double quotes with no operators or modifiers to search it quickly.
SORT linked IN "wikipedia.org" "Fuzzy searching"
Search for the term "Fuzzy searching" in wikipedia.org and sort the results by times linked.