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The golang test suite of MySQL Operator for Kubernetes


The project was meant to become a part of the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes as a complementary counterpart of the test suite implemented in Python which relies on kubectl to call k8s commands. While this project is a test suite written in golang and relies on the native k8s client.

In many parts, especially in test cases, it was ported from the python test suite almost one-to-one. Hence it may look neither very 'golangish' nor especially neat. It was planned to change and refactor it in the future but it ain't gonna happen as it is not actively maintained anymore. The golang-test-suite was rejected and abandoned, ultimately. Anyway, I still think, it was worth publishing it on github as the code I wrote in golang :-)


There are two subdirectories in the project:

  • test-suite - the golang test suite of MySQL Operator for Kubernetes - the actual project
  • mysql-operator - the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes as the only dependency (git submodule)

Test suite structure

The project is divided into the following parts:

  • ote-cli (ote stands for Operator Test Environment)
    It is an auxiliary command-line tool to set up a k8s cluster on a local dev machine or in the CI infrastructure. Its use is optional, one can set up a cluster independently.
  • e2e test suite
    Set of e2e test cases covering various functionalities of the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes.
  • utilities
    Set of various utilities used by both ote-cli and e2e test suite.
  • templates
    Templates to generate some YAMLs for deploying operator. Also with help of k8s kustomization.
  • config files
  • temporary files
    By default, all temporary files (e.g. generated YAMLs) will be stored in the subdirectory ote/out/ - it may be changed in configuration (option testsuite.outputDirectory).


The only dependency is the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes. And it is expected to be located under the subdirectory mysql-operator. Actually, only deploy yamls are needed.

This project was tested against version 8.0.31-2.0.7.

The dependency was added as a git submodule. To initialize it, call the folowing command:

git submodule update --init

Optionally, download the specified version, and unpack it to a mentioned subdirectory (so that the deploy yamls are located under mysql-operator/deploy/*.yaml).

How to build

To build ote-cli use the following command:

go build -v -gcflags='all=-N -l' -o ote

How to config

In brief: default.cfg < environment variables < custom.cfg < command line

All settings are listed in default.cfg. They can be overridden with environment variables. In turn, they can be overridden with custom.cfg. And the highest priority has parameters passed in the command line. More details in the following sections.


The file default.cfg contains all settings with default values. Some of them are used only by ote-cli, others by e2e test suite, and some by both. Do not modify this file - it should stay read-only. To override default values use environment variables, custom.cfg, or command-line options.

environment variables

The following environment variables are supported:


Based on the environment variable name it is easy to find a corresponding setting in default.cfg. If set, they will override default.cfg values.


To set custom values, create custom.cfg file (it will be ignored by git) in the same directory where default.cfg. Then copy from default.cfg the settings which you want to override, and assign the desired values. They will override default.cfg and environment variables.
See a custom.cfg.sample how it may look like. Please note that the mentioned example file is not considered at set up due to extension .sample. It is in the project only for demonstration purposes.

command line

Options set with the command line will override all aforementioned mechanisms (default.cfg, envars, custom.cfg). Below is the list of all command-line options supported by ote-cli:

marines@ubuntu-ds2:~/ote/test-suite$ ./ote --help
Usage of ./ote:
  -cluster-name string
    	cluster name used for testing (default "ote-mysql")
  -data-dir string
    	directory with e2e data (default "../mysql-operator/tests/data")
  -dbg int
    	debug level (default 1)
  -e2e-dir string
    	directory with e2e tests (default "./e2e")
  -engine string
    	container engine [detect|docker|podman] (default "detect")
    	run enterprise tests
  -env string
    	environment [detect|k3d|minikube] (default "detect")
  -k3d-registry-cfg string
    	path to k3d registry config yaml or its template (default "./template/k3d-registry-config.yaml")
  -kubecfg string
    	kube config path (if 'detect' it first tries ${KUBECONFIG}, then path ~/.kube/config) (default "detect")
    	is minikube registry insecure (default true)
    	run OCI tests
  -oci-bucket-name string
    	OCI bucket name
  -oci-cfg-path string
    	path to a file with OCI profiles
  -operator-dir string
    	operator directory (default "../mysql-operator/deploy")
  -operator-image string
    	image custom config path (default "mysql-operator")
  -operator-image-ee string
    	enterprise edition image custom config path (default "enterprise-operator")
  -operator-pull-policy string
    	pull policy for operator [Always|IfNotPresent|Never] (default "IfNotPresent")
  -operator-tag string
    	version tag for operator image (default "8.0.31-2.0.7")
  -operator-template string
    	path to operator deploy yaml or its template (default "./template/deploy-operator.yaml")
  -operator-yamls string
    	operator yamls (default "deploy-crds.yaml:deploy-operator.yaml")
  -output-dir string
    	output directory for log and tmp files (default "../out")
  -pull-policy string
    	pull policy [Always|IfNotPresent|Never] (default "IfNotPresent")
  -registry string
    	registry, e.g. registry.localhost:5000
  -repository string
    	repository, e.g. qa (default "mysql")
    	skip deleting cluster
    	skip deploying operator
Command [start|stop|deploy]


By default, the OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) tests are skipped.

To run tests against OCI one needs to enable them explicitly with any of the following options:

  • set the envar OPERATOR_TEST_ENABLE_OCI
  • oci.Enable field in custom.cfg set to True
  • add the command-line option -oci

Besides, one needs a config.oci file. It should be defined according to the structure of config.oci.sample. Then it can be passed with any of the following options:

  • oci.configPath field in custom.cfg
  • as argument of the command-line option -oci-cfg-path

And the same for the OCI bucket name - it should be defined through any of the alternatives:

  • oci.bucketName field in custom.cfg
  • as argument of the command-line option -oci-bucket-name


By default, the Enterprise tests are skipped.

To run tests against the enterprise edition one needs to enable them explicitly with any of the following options:

  • enterprise.Enable field in custom.cfg set to True
  • add the command-line option -enterprise

Besides, the related enterprise images are needed.

How to run


Check the list of command line options. The following commands are supported:

  • start
    it starts a (k3d or minikube) cluster and deploys the operator unless the -skip-deploy option was applied
  • stop
    it stops the current cluster
  • deploy
    it only deploys the MySQL Operator for Kubernetes

e2e test suite

Test cases are run the same way as ordinary golang tests. Some cases may run quite a long time hence it is recommended to use the -timeout 30m option. The cases are expected to run consecutively hence option -p 1 should be used.

To run tests go to the test-suite directory, then one can execute any command like these below:

To run all tests:

go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v

To run chosen subgroups (coarse-grained), e.g.:

go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v
go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v
go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v
go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v

For more fine-grained, e.g.:

go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v -run=TwoClustersOneNamespace
go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v -run=Cluster1Defaults
go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v -run=UpgradeToNext
go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v -run=ClusterSpecAdmissionChecks

Even more fine-grained, e.g.:

go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v -run=ClusterSpecAdmissionChecks/NameTooLong
go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v -run=ClusterSpecRuntimeChecksCreation/UnsupportedVersionDelete

The golang regex can also be used to select a case or group of cases, e.g.:

go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v -run='Cluster\d.*'
go test -p 1 -timeout 30m -v -run='Cluster\D.*'


The test suite was tested against the following versions:

As the project is not maintained anymore and considering that everything in the k8s world changes rapidly, the results obtained for another version may differ.


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