A Django 1.3+ email backend that uses a Celery queue for out-of-band sending of the messages.
This version of django-celery-email
is NOT compatible with versions
of Celery prior to 2.2.0. If you need to use Celery 2.0.x or 2.1.x, please
use django-celery-email 0.1.1.
To enable django-celery-email
for your project you need to add djcelery_email
INSTALLED_APPS += ("djcelery_email",)
You must then set django-celery-email
EMAIL_BACKEND = 'djcelery_email.backends.CeleryEmailBackend'
By default django-celery-email
will use Django's builtin SMTP
email backend
for the actual sending of the mail. If you'd like to use another backend, you
just like you would normally have set
before you were using Celery. In fact, the normal installation
procedure will most likely be to get your email working using only Django, then
, and then add the new
setting from above.
If you need to set any of the settings (attributes) you'd normally be able to set on a
Celery Task class had you written it yourself, you may specify them in a dict
CELERY_EMAIL_TASK_CONFIG = { 'queue' : 'email', 'rate_limit' : '50/m', ... }
There are some default settings. Unless you specify otherwise, the equivalent of the following settings will apply:
CELERY_EMAIL_TASK_CONFIG = { 'name': 'djcelery_email_send', 'ignore_result': True, }
After this setup is complete, and you have a working Celery install, sending email will work exactly like it did before, except that the sending will be handled by your Celery workers:
from django.core import mail emails = ( ('Hey Man', "I'm The Dude! So that's what you call me.", 'dude@aol.com', ['mr@lebowski.com']), ('Dammit Walter', "Let's go bowlin'.", 'dude@aol.com', ['wsobchak@vfw.org']), ) results = mail.send_mass_mail(emails)
will be a list of celery AsyncResult objects that you may ignore, or use to check the
status of the email delivery task, or even wait for it to complete if want. You have to enable a result
backend and set ignore_result
to False
if you want to use these.
See the Celery docs for more info.
will be the number of emails you attempted to send, and is in no way a reflection on the success or failure
of their delivery.
- Fix for HTML-only emails. Thanks gnarvaja.
- Fix for backward compatibility of task kwarg handling - Thanks Jeremy Thurgood.
- New PyPI release rolling up 1.0.5 changes and some cleanup.
- More backward compatability in task. Will still accept message objects and lists of message objects.
- Thanks again to everyone who contributed to 1.0.5.
- Django 1.6 support, Travis CI testing, chunked sending & more - thanks Jonas Haag.
- HTML email support - thanks Andres Riancho.
- Support for JSON transit for Celery, sponsored by DigiACTive.
- Drop support for Django 1.2.
- Add Django 1.5.2 and Python 3 support.
- Thanks to Stefan Wehrmeyer for the contribution.
- Backend will now pass any kwargs with which it is initialized to the email sending backend.
- Thanks to Fedor Tyurin for the contribution.
- Task and backend now accept kwargs that can be used in signal handlers.
- Task now returns the result from the email sending backend.
- Thanks to Yehonatan Daniv for these changes.
- Fixed a bug that resulted in tasks that were throwing errors reporting success.
- If there is an exception thrown by the sending email backend, the result of the task will now be this exception.