Update your cryptocurrency portfolio balance from Delta to Lunch Money
In order to start syncing transactions to Lunch Money, please update the config.php
// In the Delta app, open the portfolio you would like to sync
// Click on the 3 dots to the top right and click on 'My Delta Link'
// Follow the guide to create a shareable link to your portfolio
// https://support.delta.app/en/articles/2856286-how-can-i-share-a-single-portfolio
deltaSharedPortfolioHashedId = '[YOUR DELTA SHARED PORTFOLIO HASHED ID]';
// Visit https://my.lunchmoney.app/developers to request an access token
lunchMoneyAccessToken = '[YOUR LUNCH MONEY ACCESS TOKEN]';
// The asset ID of your Lunch Money cryptocurrency account
// Run index.php to see a list of your Lunch Money accounts and copy the ID
// Choose to store your balance in BTC
// If false, the default currency from Delta is used (USD, EUR, etc)
lunchMoneyCurrencyBtc = true;
Create a cronjob to sync.php
and every time the script runs, your Delta balance will be reconciled to your Lunch Money cryptocurrency account.