This project focuses on simulating a conveyor system with multiple workpiece carriers. The primary goal is to address questions such as the required number of workpiece carriers. Unity is employed as the editor for 2D layout planning of the conveyor system. Subsequently, a discrete event simulation is generated using Salabim to model and analyze the dynamic behavior of the conveyor system. This project is being developed as part of a university project.
Note this is a first prototype, not all functions are ready for production. Please consider checking the current known issues, and feel free to add a new issue if you find a bug.
The current project status can be downloaded at releases. There you can download a zip archive and then you can start directly with UnitySalabimLayoutEditor.exe.
The layout editor can be operated as follows:
- In the sidebar, select a component with the left mouse button and drag it into the drawing area
- You can rotate the component with the mouse wheel
- The editor provides automatic support for exact placement
- When a component is selected, you can place it with a left click
- A right click deselect a component
- With a placed component, the component can be moved with a left click
- To delete a placed component, left click on the component and then right click
- To open a component menu, right click on the respective placed component