Final Project in Theory and Empirical Research I, supervisors: Dominik Pegler, Mengfan Zhang, Jozsef Arato
Jannis Breßgott, Sara Binder, Marla Pinkert
This is the repository for our final project :)
- RF_for_ASD.ipynb.ipynb - Complete Notebook, includes download of data, calculation of functional connectivity measures, training and testing of random forest classifiers, discussion of results.
- Phenotypic_V1_0b_preprocessed1.csv - Contains phenotypical data such as diagnosis ("DX_GROUP", with 1 = Autism, 0 = Control)
- degree_df.csv - Contains dataframe with rows corresponding to individual subjects and columns corresponding to degree of respective ROIs
- graph_df.csv - Contains dataframe with rows corresponding to individual subjects and columns corresponding to betweenness centrality of respective ROIs
The .csv file which contains the individual correlations between regions is too big to upload, therefore it can be downloaded here:
From Autism Brain Imaging Data Exchange (ABIDE), downloaded using script (see /resources). Preprocessed data chosen:
- Atlas: Craddock 200, CC200 timeseries
- Pipeline: CPAC → Worked best in classification for Yang et al. (2020)
- Calculate correlations between different ROIs
- Create dataframes with 884 rows (subjects) and 19901 columns (19900 correlations between timeseries + 1 "FILE_ID")
- Calculate betweenness centrality based on proportional thresholds (70% - 90% in steps of 2)
- Calculate degree based on non-binarized connections, including negative correlations