collection of a scripts, Export via cronjob your Shop products in a csv file
Place the entire module in your shop in
Configure, upgrade , or writing new Exporter
Call your export script via cronjob
Enjoy the result
Tested on Oxid CE 4.6.5, 4.7.5, 4.8.1
Current Version 1.0
in the protected variable $ _config
'export_parents' => Should parents be shown in file
'filename' => Export filename relative to this file
'limit' => limit for export
'debug' => enable / disable debug-output
'silent' => enable / disable regular messages
'header' => enable / disable headerline
'langid' => LanguageId for which you want to export
'shippingcost' => shipping cost categories
'productLinkPrefix' => standard product url prefix
'geizhalsProductLinkParameters' => geizhals parameters for product
'imageurl' => standard image url path
'inStock' => product in stock description
'outOfStock' => product out of stock description
'cutFirstPosArticlenumber' => cut the first n position from the article number
'generalVat' => general vat value for net prices
'netPrices' => net prices true/false
'categoryPathSeparator' => category path separator
in the protected variable $ _Entry
you creat the structure of the csv file
- on the
here the column names are written after the other.
Individual column name with ;
if you need a blank line between the header and the data records, write \n
in the last column name.
- on the
here are written contents of the column.
Individual records are written to #oxid#
and separated by |
so will be displayed more conten in a column.
then the second output if the first is not available.
- on the
here the delimiter for the csv file is entered.
various data feeds need different requirements to be able to read the csv file to which with the separator structure, the rows and columns will be defined.
in the individual Exportern can be seen all functions from the marmCsvExporter.php override and extend.
add a non exist column, but how?
as example: we want the attribute color of the individual variants product
in the protected variable $ _Entry
, we write the new column namecolor
. -
comes a new marker#color#
. -
Now has the
from the marmCsvExporter.php be extended in our exporter to a marker. -
The new marker we give a new function.
And finally we actually function in our exporter written reads out the color of the variants products and passes the marker.