Zway Automation module for fetching current condition and forecasts from the WeatherUnderground API. Creates virtual devices for humidity, wind, current conditions, UV index, barometric pressure and forecasts.
See for details.
Accepts any format that constitutes a valid API query.
- COUNTRY/CITY (eg. "Austria/Vienna")
- pws:PWSID (personal weather station ID, eg. "pws:IWIEN335")
- "autoip" (based on geo ip)
- LAT,LNG (eg. "48.214,16.401")
Display temperatures in Celsius or Fahrenheit
Display metric or imperial units for air pressure and wind speed
Required API key for accessing the service. See for obtaining an API key.
Flag that sets if devices should be created
This module creates up to six virtual devices
Displays the current condition as an icon and the current temperature. Additionally the following metrics are set
- metrics:level Current temperature
- metrics:temperature
- metrics:condition: Current condition
- metrics:conditiongroup: fair,neutral,poor or snow
- metrics:feelslike
- metrics:weather: Current weather summary
- metrics:pop: probability of precipitation
- metrics:high: expected high temperature today
- metrics:low: expected low temperature today
- metrics:percipintensity: Rain intensity in mm or inches / 1h
- metrics:raw: raw current conditions data returned by the API
Displays the forecasted condition as an icon, and the expected temperature range.
- metrics:level Forecast temperature range
- metrics:condition: Current condition
- metrics:conditiongroup: fair,neutral,poor or snow
- metrics:weather: Current weather summary
- metrics:pop: probability of precipitation
- metrics:high: expected high temperature today
- metrics:low: expected low temperature today
- metrics:raw: raw forecast data returned by the API
Displays the current wind speed. Wind strength is indicated by the icon.
- metrics:level: Wind speed (wind / 2 + windgust / 2)
- metrics:dir: Wind direction
- metrics:wind: Base wind speed
- metrics:wind_avg: Wind average of last three updates
- metrics:windgust: Wind gust speeds
- metrics:winddregrees: Wind degrees
- metrics:beaufort: Wind strength in beaufort [0-12]
Displays the current humidity.
Displays the current UV index [0-11+]
- metrics:uv_avg: UV index average of last three updates
- metrics:solarradiation: in watts/m2
- metrics:solarradiation_avg: Radiation average of last three updates
Displays the current air pressure. Rising and falling pressure is also indicated by the icon.
- metrics:trend: Pressure trend
No events are emitted
The prefered way of installing this module is via the " App Store" available in 2.2.0 and higher. For stable module releases no access token is required. If you want to test the latest pre-releases use 'k1_beta' as app store access token.
For developers and users of older Zway versions installation via git is recommended.
cd /opt/z-way-server/automation/userModules
git clone WeatherUnderground --branch latest
To update or install a specific version
cd /opt/z-way-server/automation/userModules/WeatherUnderground
git fetch --tags
# For latest released version
git checkout tags/latest
# For a specific version
git checkout tags/1.02
# For development version
git checkout -b master --track origin/master
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
Parts of the barometer icon are from ( , licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0 license.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.