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Differences from Kakoune

Ilya Grigoriev edited this page Aug 8, 2022 · 21 revisions

Make sure you are comparing the latest versions of vis and kakoune before editing this page.

How to in kakoune in vis
select regex inside current selection s :x/regex/
split the current selection according to the regex entered S :y/regex/
split the current selections on line boundaries <a-s> :x which is an alias for :x/.*\n/
merge contiguous selections together <a-_>
keep only the nth selection n<space> :g n
remove the nth selection n<a-space> :v n
keep only the selections that contains a match for this regex <a-k> :g/regex/
keep the selections not containing a match <a-K> :v/regex/
save the current selections to the register Z m
restore the selections from the register z M
select entire buffer % :,
flip selections cursor and anchor <a-;> o
make previous or next selection primary ( or ) <c-u> or <c-d>
align selections & <tab>
rotate selections left or right <a-(> or <a-)> - or +
replace range by stdout of command | :<
send range to stdin of command <a-|> :>
union selections and register |
intersect selections and register &
subtract register from selections \
complement selections ~
pairwise combine selections from register with existing ones (union, intersect, leftmost, rightmost, longest, shortest) <a-z>u, <a-z>i, <a-z><, <a-z>>, <a-z>+, <a-z>-
pairwise combine the current selections to the register (same operations apply) <a-Z>{op}
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