Vagrant As Automation Script
Welcome to the documentation for VAAS - the command line utility for managing the lifecycle of virtual machines.
Automation for create/setup your POC/Working environment also for exam presentation like CKA
helps you to make you by creating/setup your working Simulator or say POC/Work environment platform which will be ready for your work with minimum efforts.
Every Vagarant file has its own configuration, just update as per your need and say vagrant up
to start vm and setting up. It may take some time and as its completed you can follow the instructions under how to use section.
This module requires Vagrant to pre-installed. And any virtual environment, defualt can use oracle virtualbox
To start working VAAS
, very first clone under your workspace and change your path based on your need.
For Example: Want to setup kubernetes cluster using centos base.
git clone
cd kubernetes/centos
vagrant up
Once your vagrant up
is complete, you can use below command line utility.
To know about you vagarant environments / list down running VMs
vagrant status
To SSH to VM
vagrant ssh web
To shut down the virtual machine use the command:
vagrant halt
For specific vm
vagrant halt worker-node-2
To launch Vagrant using Amazon Web Services with:
With default vm option
vagrant up
With Vmware Fusion
vagrant up –provider=vmware_fusion
Start specific vm
vagrant up master-node
To remove all traces of the virtual machine from your system type in the following: For all VMs
vagrant destroy -f
For specific VM
vagrant destroy worker-node-1 -f
To stop the machine and save its current state run:
vagrant suspend
To remove image
vagrant box remove ubuntu/trusty64