Manages users, implementing functions to login, register, delete, and update users within UMFlix.
To use the project, follow the next steps:
Install the following maven projects before starting: modelstorage ( authenticationhandler (
Download sources for UserManager from git repository: git pull
To add a dependency to UserManager on another project:
3.1) Run in command line, where the sources have been downloaded: mvn clean install
3.2) Add dependency to pom.xml, in dependencies copy: usermanager usermanager 1.0-SNAPSHOT
To use the jar in another context run "mvn clean install" the correspondent file will be generated under ./target folder
To use it as a webapp:
5.1) Change the pom.xml: under the tag 1.0-SNAPSHOT add: war
5.2) Run command: mvn clean install
5.3) The correspondent war file will be generated under ./target folder
Note: when used, make sure that the libraries which scope is “provided” in the dependencies are available, and that those that are not provided and are included with the file do not create conflicts with already loaded libraries.