Internet Radio, intended for the Raspberry Pi
At the end of 2020, I found an somewhat old Raspberry Pi 2 B and an Edimax N150 USB WiFi antenna in my attic.
I always wanted a kind of internet-radio in my garage. So, I decided to try combine the two.
This is my travels to get the Pi to become my internet-radio with a list of my favourite channels, artist/title acquiring and cover art support.
For hardware and assembly, please see hardware chapter.
For setting up the Raspberry Pi, please see the setup chapter.
I decided to go with C++/QML combo as my radio application because I wanted to learn a bit more about QML and its connection to C++.
Normal operation with artist, title and cover art.
Part of the list of radio channels for selection.
I used this guide to start PiRadio automatically.
The 'autostart' mentioned in the previous guide was used to switch off screen blanking by adding:
@xset s noblank
@xset s off
@xset -dpms