to "upload" your files to this repo, you need to join the discord community and upload the files you want to contribute in a .zip file and send them with a message: "I AGREE FOR ATTACHED TO BE PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE" and add a description (e.g the location of where the tags are from or what brand of thing do they open...) (if your contribution passes my review, you will be credited and the files will be uploaded to the repo (possibly renamed))
- Metra_systems: bracelets and tags made or used by Metra Systems lockers or other access systems
- Blue🔵: Blue rubber bracelets (numbered sequentially as added)
- Yellow🟡: Yellow rubber bracelets (numbered sequentially as added)
- Standard_blue🔵: generic blue plastic bracelets with an ID printed on the inside (numbered by the ID imprinted on the inside)