Generate a simple Quiz mod for Starcraft II
Want to revise and play at the same time? This program generates a Starcraft II mod (LOV) that will ask you to select an answer every 60 seconds within 3 possibilities. You earn 400 minerals if you are correct. You can enter the questions and answers in an Excel file (see examples in xls folder).
You will need:
- Java 1.8 (however you can probably use a lower version by changing the gradle build file)
- git
git clone
cd sc2quiz
gradlew build
Copy the file build/libs/sc2quiz.jar
in the directory of your choice.
java -jar sc2quiz.jar -h
usage: java -jar sc2quiz.jar -<command> [...]
-dn,--document-name <arg> set the document title of the
-g,--generate <file.xls> <folder.SC2Mod> Generate an sc2 quiz mod
-h,--help show this help
-ld,--long-description <arg> set the long description of
the mod
-sd,--short-description <arg> set the short description of
the mod
You can generate the example attached* xls/czech_english.xlsx
java -jar sc2quiz.jar -g xls/czech_english.xlsx result -dn "Czech quiz!" -ld "Quiz mod with top 2000 Czech words"
Open the folder with SC2 editor and publish it to your account.
*Please note that this word list is not exactly great, if you have a better one don't hesitate to contact me!
I welcome any suggestions and comments.
The code in this project is licensed under MIT license.