Recycler-endlayout-handler instead of waiting before restoring state in quiz.
blink correct when incorrect pair-it answer
more padding with zoom-toggle-button
fade out colors of roads etc, so not confused with drawn geo-objects
replace alert-menu in exercise-activity with "speech bubble"
change exercise name, color, and display exercise's creation data (important since OSM data is perishable).
not white background of talking/fading-screen
progress-bar during exercise creation (downloading, processing..)
smarter reminder-counts/ reminder-object-selection
prefer next level objects in pair-it (not for reminders..)
smart color coding?
conform polylines after map.. (functionality of mapbox?)
switch overpass endpoint if problem.
more restrictive tag-filtration
index db?
exercise-construction performance (load/insert/update/delete in chunks/trnsactions)
toString() reflection
trust bad overpass.certificates
stats from pair-it
Predefined exercise-areas, progress sharing
Change theme/ map-theme
Exercise persistance through app-uninstalls
- Loading exercise service runns, activity killed. Start activity and stop service: not working (service reads exit-flag in previous instance).
- Exit-button in exercise-loading.. buggy.
- Sometimes false-positives in line-segment-crossing-detection during exercise creation.
(fixed?) - Exercise activity briefly started before follow-up quiz if tapping the screen during text So...
-översätt..: leisure|fritid lodging|logi cultivation|odling ...