Ambiance is an air quality monitoring system developed by PUP Hygears for the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. It boasts a user-friendly interface tailored to operate seamlessly on a Raspberry Pi 4. Utilizing Lorawan technologies, data from ESP32-connected sensors is efficiently transmitted for comprehensive analysis and real-time monitoring.
Adafruit BME680
- Temperature
- Pressure
- Humidity
- Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound (Gas Sensor)
Adafruit SGP30
- Total Volatile Organic Compound
- ECO2
Plantower PMS7003
- PM 1.0
- PM 2.5
- PM 10.0
Clone the project repository from GitHub:
git clone
Navigate to the project folder:
cd \Ambiance
Install python (Note: Python v11 was used for development):
Create and activate virtual environment:
To Initialize:
python -m venv <folder-name>
To Activate:
python -m venv venv venv\Scripts\activate.bat
Install project dependencies:
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
Start the development server:
Clone the project repository from GitHub:
git clone
Navigate to sketch-files folder:
For all the sensors:
cd \ambiance\sketch-files\all-sensors
For the Adafruit BME680 sensor:
cd \ambiance\sketch-files\adafruit-bme680
For the Adafruit SGP30 sensor:
cd \ambiance\sketch-files\adafruit-sgp30
For the Plantower PMS7003sensor:
cd \ambiance\sketch-files\plantower-pms7003
Open the .ino file for the chosen sensor:
cd \ambiance\sketch-files\
Install project dependencies using Library Manager:
Sensor Library Name Author Adafruit BME680 Adafruit BME680 Library Adafruit Adafruit SGP30 Adafruit SGP30 Sensor Adafruit Plantower PMS 7003 PMS Library Mariusz -
Connect the pins to the board. (Note: Ambiance was designed for the ESP32, so the pin configurations may differ for your specific board.):
Sensor Pin Label (I2C) Pin Number (Default) Adafruit BME680 VCC VIN GND GND SCK 22 SDI 21 Adafruit SGP30 VCC VIN GND GND SCL 22 SDA 21 Plantower PMS 7003 VCC VIN GND GND RX TX TX RX Sparkfun SPS30 RED VIN BLACK GND PURPLE (SCL) 22 WHITE (SDA) 21 -
Upload the chosen code on to the board.
Clone the project repository from GitHub:
git clone
Navigate to sketch-files folder:
cd \ambiance\sketch-files
Open the .ino file for both sender and receiver.
For Sender:
cd \ambiance\sketch-files\lora-sender
For Receiver:
cd \ambiance\sketch-files\lora-receiver
Install project dependencies using Library Manager
LoRa by Sandeep Mistry
Connect the pins to the board. Pins are same for both Sender and Receiver. (Note: Ambiance was designed for the ESP32, so the pin configurations may differ for your specific board.):
Pin Label (SPI) Pin Number (Default) VCC VIN GND GND MISO 19 MOSI 23 SCK 18 CS 17 (any pin can be used) RESET 14 (any pin can be used) G0 26 (any pin can be used) -
Upload both the sender and receiver to their respective board.
- Enable Serial Port in the Raspberry Pi Configuration:
start > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration > Interfaces
- Restart the Raspberry Pi.
- Clone the project repository from GitHub:
git clone
- Navigate to the repository folder:
cd ./ambiance
- Connect the receiver to the Raspberry Pi
- Check the corresponding serial port using the command line:
python -m
- In the change the constant PORT to the corresponding serial port.
PORT = '/dev/ttyACM0'
- Run the
- Aldas, Dominic Syd V.
- Calangian, Mary Joyce F.
- Clavecillas, Christian C.
- Dacuan, David III
- dela Cruz, Jhon Carlo P.
- Erosa, Marvin James A.
- Esoreña, Reily Allen E.
- Macasindil, Mohammadryan
- Madelo, Bryce Christian A.
- Palaganas, Zophie Louise O.
- Teoxon, Mc James R.
- Tizon, Robie Elliz