To implement the notebooks using Keras + Tensorflow 2.0, such as
InceptionV3.ipynb, VGG_ResNet50.ipynb, MobileNet.ipynb,
the image data is required so that it must be uploaded and located in the 'images' directory.
!git clone and just run the notebooks,
pytorch_AlexNet.ipynb, image_classifier_vgg_pytorch.ipynb, Cifar_pytorch.ipynb,and alex_cifar10.ipynb
just run the notebook on the Google Colab.
transfer_learning_resnet.ipynb, transfer_learning_vgg.ipynb, torchvision_finetuning_Mask_R-CNN.ipynb, and finetuning_torchvision_models_tutorial.ipynb
just run the notebook on the Google Colab. notebooks above are supposed to load data online.