- Please the TODO.md file for task details
- The project now only tested on Android
- Riverpod for state management
- Retrofit built on Dio for network calls
- Shared preferences for data persistence
- flutter_localization for localization
- flutter_gen for assets safe access
- auto_router for navigation instead of using go_router because of safe args and type safety
- hooks for syntax sugar and less boilerplate of value notifier
- gap for spacing
- freezed, json_serializable for schema and serialization
- To run the app on Android just run the following command in the root directory of the project:
flutter run
- or to build
flutter build apk
Support deep linking
lazy loading for the font assets from Google fonts
- English
- Arabic Change the Android app icon, app Name
forecast-collapsed | |
forecast-dark | |
forecast | |
search | |
settings | |
today-celsius | |
today-loadin | |
today | |
tomorrow |