To setup the lambda function / AWS SES please read the following guide :
*** IMPORTANT : (Only for email file attachment) on your AWS Lambda function you must set a memory configuration of at least 512 MB, otherwise due to file attachment the AWS Lambda function can fail to execute due to "out of memory".
Name | Description |
AddHeader | If we need to add the received header into the email message. Value must be "True" or "False" Example : -------------------------------- From : Tester Date : Tue, 20 Jul 2021 18:10:39 +0000 To : Firstname Lastname Subject : email subject Type : boolean. |
EmailList | JSON email rules list. The first column is the rules and the second column is where to forward the email. If there are no rules that matched with the received email then it will use the catch-all address. Example (JSON string) : { "test@": "" "multiple-recipients@": ["", ""] "catch-all": "" } Type : string. |
MailFromEmailAddress | Email to use when forwarding email. This parameter is used only when "UseResentHeader" is set to "False" Type : string. |
Region | Current lambda function Amazon Region to use. Type : string. |
S3Bucket | S3 Bucket where to store the received email. Type : string. |
S3Prefix | S3 Prefix (folder) where to store the received email. Type : string. |
UseEMLAttachment | If we need to put the forwarded email as an attachment (EML file). Value must be "True" or "False" Type : boolean. |
UseEMLBase64Format | If the email attachment (EML file) needs to be under base64 format. This parameter is used only when "UseEMLAttachment" is set to "True" Value must be "True" or "False" * Take note that the iPhone cannot open EML file is the attachment is under base64 format. Type : boolean. |
UseResentHeader | If we need to use Resent headers / parameters in the email. * Take note that some email software will block email when using this option. (The From field will be a copy of the received email and can cause SPF or DKIM to fail.) Value must be "True" or "False" * Recommended value is "False" Type : boolean. |
UseSubjectEMLFilename | If we need to use the email subject as the EML file attachment filename. If false the EML file attachment will be the message id / filename on the S3 bucket. Value must be "True" or "False" Type : boolean. |