Lanturn is a website connectivity monitor written in Rust 🦀
Lanturn offers a simple dashboard that lets you quickly check if your internet — or one of your favorite sites — is up or down.
To manually build the project, you must first install Rust.
Once you have Rust installed, run the following commands:
git clone
cd lanturn
cargo run # runs unoptimized build
cargo run
's build phase will tell you if you need to install other dependencies such aspkg-config
If you're using Nix, you can add the following to your flake's inputs
inputs = {
# ...
lanturn = {
url = "github:massivebird/lanturn";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# ...
Then, add the following to your environment.systemPackages
environment.systemPackages = [
# ...
# ...
Lanturn reads from a config file at $HOME/.config/lanturn/config.yaml
Use the following as a template:
# $HOME/.config/lanturn/config.yaml
sites: # All websites go under here.
github: # A site "label." This can be whatever you want!
name: "GitHub" # Human-readable site name.
url: "" # Site URL.
name: "Google"
url: ""