# ADBatteryStatus 🚀
**ADBatteryStatus** is a unique battery alarm application designed for Android
that runs seamlessly on Linux. Unlike typical battery alarm apps that operate
solely on Android devices, ADBatteryStatus offers a smooth experience on Linux
systems, making it a versatile tool for users.
## Features 🌟
- 📊 Monitor the battery percentage of Android devices.
- 🔔 Alarm notifications when the battery needs charging.
- ⚡ Alarm notifications when the battery can be unplugged.
- 💬 Message box alerts on Linux computers.
- 🎶 Audio alarms on both Linux computers and Android devices for a dual alert system.
- 🔄 Automatic switching between USB and TCP ADB server modes without manual configuration.
- 🔌 Identify the power source of the charger (USB or AC adapter).
- 👤 No root user privileges required; regular users can run the application.
- 🌐 No internet connection needed for operation.
- 🔒 Safe for the user's Linux system.
- 🌡️ Monitor Android battery temperature and notify users (available from version 1 onwards).
- 💬 Customizable quotes displayed on the Linux screen.
- 🎥 Full-screen video mode in Firefox will still display quotes and alarms.
- ⏰ Automatic crontab creation if ADBatteryStatus is not configured.
- 🔧 Enable or disable quotes and notifications through a configuration file.
- 📈 Different icons for charging and non-charging states based on battery percentage.
- 🔊 Adjustable speaker volume settings in the configuration file.
- 🤖 ADBatteryStatus can verbally announce the battery percentage to users.
- 🔕 Option to disable alarm notifications during specific hours.
## Installation 🛠️
1. **Download the ADBatteryStatus file** and extract it to the `~/Music/alarm` directory.
2. **Set permissions** to execute the file:
chmod +x adbatterystatus
- Configure crontab to run ADBatteryStatus:
Add the following line to run ADBatteryStatus every 5 minutes:
crontab -e
*/5 * * * * ~/Music/alarm/adbatterystatus 30 98 your_ip:5555 43
Crontab will run batmeter99 every 5 minutes. The purpose of this crontab scriptis so that the batmeter can provide an alarm when the android battery needs to be charged or needs to be removed from the charger when it has reached the maximum level of charging the android battery.
Run ADBatteryStatus using the terminal:
./adbatterystatus min_charge_level max_unplug_level ip_wifi_android:port_adb warm_temp
./adbatterystatus 30 98 43
The adbatterystatus
file needs to be configured to run in the Linux terminal
using the following command:
chmod +x adbatterystatus
This command grants execute permissions to the file. To enable audio alarms on
the Android device, two audio files—needcharged.ogg and releasecable.ogg—must be
placed in the sdcard/Download directory, such as sdcard/Download/pasangcas.ogg
and sdcard/Download/lepascas.ogg. If these files are not set up on the Android
device, it is not a problem; however, adbatterystatus will not execute audio
alerts on the Android device.
ADBatteryStatus can detect the source of the charger, whether it is from a
computer's USB port or an AC adapter connected to the power outlet. The
application will automatically identify the Android device or tablet using the
connected charger. To ensure everything runs smoothly, users need to enable the
developer options on their Android device. When the USB device is connected to
the computer, the program will utilize this connection to monitor the battery
status. Additionally, if a TCP connection is used, it can also provide alerts
when the Android device's battery needs charging.
## Requirements 📋
- `amixer`
- Desktop Environment: `xfce`
- `mpg123`
- `ogg123`
## Contributing 🤝
We welcome contributions! If you have suggestions or improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
## License 📄
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file
for details.
## Contact 📬
For any inquiries, please reach out to [duitmoro@yahoo.com](mailto:duitmoro@yahoo.com).
Thank you for checking out ADBatteryStatus! We hope it enhances your Android
experience on Linux! 🎉