###Visit the wiki for more details.
Xenon is a test framework which lets you to write stable acceptance tests in a fluent api manner.
// if you are using nunit then
// this tells xenon what method to call when you do XenonTest.Assert, only needs to be set once
XenonTestOptions.Options = new XenonTestOptions
AssertMethod = Assert.IsTrue
//In your test
new XenonTest(new SeleniumXenonBrowser())
.EnterText("input[name='q']", "xenon test framework")
.Assert( a => a.PageContains("results") );
There are two ways to use Xenon in your acceptance test. You can either directly create a instance of XenonTest as in the previous example or you can create a class inheriting from XenonScreen. So if we redo the previous example using XenonScreen then this is how we do it
public class GoogleHomeScreen : XenonScreen<GoogleHomePage>
public GoogleHomeScreen(IXenonBrowser browser) : base(browser)
public GoogleSearchResultsScreen Search(string text)
return EnterText("input[name='q']", text)
public class GoogleSearchResultsScreen : XenonScreen<GoogleSearchResultsScreen>
public GoogleSearchResultsScreen(IXenonBrowser browser) : base(browser) { }
public void CanVisitGoogle()
new GoogleHomeScreen(new SeleniumXenonBrowser(driver))
.Search("xenon test framework")
.Assert( a => a.PageContains("results") );