No longer maintaining the official deployment. Please fork this repo and use it for your own purpose.
Serving data from John Hopkins University CSSE as a JSON API
/: contains opengraph image for sharing
/api: global summary
/api/og: generate a summary open graph image
/api/confirmed: global cases per region sorted by confirmed cases
/api/recovered: global cases per region sorted by recovered cases
/api/deaths: global cases per region sorted by death toll
/api/daily: global cases per day
/api/daily/[date]: detail of updates in a [date] (e.g. /api/daily/2-14-2020)
/api/countries: all countries and their ISO codes
/api/countries/[country]: a [country] summary (e.g. /api/countries/Indonesia or /api/countries/USA or /api/countries/CN)
/api/countries/[country]/confirmed: a [country] cases per region sorted by confirmed cases
/api/countries/[country]/recovered: a [country] cases per region sorted by recovered cases
/api/countries/[country]/deaths: a [country] cases per region sorted by death toll
/api/countries/[country]/og: generate a summary open graph image for a [country]
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/mathdroid/covid-19-api
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,npm install
) -
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to run a local dev deployment,now
to publish.
Create a Github Action that Send Everyday Covid19 Status Through Telegram Using Python, (Telegram Bot) by catflip
17 responsible live visualizations about the coronavirus, for you to use, (Web) by Datawrapper
Android kotlin-mvvm-covid19, (Android) by Rizki Maulana
CovidNow, (Android) by Oskar Misiewicz
https://github.com/andreyyoshua/Covid-19, (iOS) by Andrey Yoshua
https://github.com/pararang/vue-covid, (VueJS) by Muhammad Ikhsan
Vue Covid 19 monitoring App, (VueJS) by Mahmud Rafid . A demo.
https://github.com/pooladkhay/covid19, (React, NextJS) by Mohammad Javad Pooladkhay
https://github.com/alancampora/corona-virus-react, (React) by Alan Adrian Campora
https://github.com/alankilalank/react-covid-19, (React, CRA) by Alank Ilalank
https://github.com/pabloVinicius/covid-19-dashboard https://covid19.data.eti.br/, (Web) by Pablo Vinicius
https://github.com/freakyfelt/gatsby-source-mathdroid-covid19(https://github.com/freakyfelt/gatsby-source-mathdroid-covid19), (Gatsby, TypeScript) by Bruce Felt
https://github.com/miftahafina/covid19-data, (React) by Miftah Afina
https://github.com/mazik/corona/, (An Electron based Desktop application based on VueJS) by Md Mazedul Islam Khan
https://github.com/hoaaah/flutter-covid19ina, (Flutter) by @hoaaah
https://github.com/kasramp/COVID-19-Telegram-bot, (Telegram Bot, Java) by Kasra Madadipouya
https://covid-19-map.netlify.com/,(React, Deck.GL) by Jason Feng
https://github.com/Ghazif-Adeem/COVID-19-Statistics-Checker, (PHP) by Ghazif Adeem
Access mathdroid API to store Coronavirus COVID-19 worldwide data in JSON format, (Javascript script, get updated every 8 hours by Github Actions) by Maxine Chen
A Coronavirus COVID-19 global data statistics website, (React + Gatsby + Material UI + Recharts) by Maxine Chen
https://novel-coronavirus-reports.netlify.com/, (PWA with Map & reports) by Sharad Raj Singh Maurya
https://github.com/sutanlab/covid19-visualized, (Next.js, TypeScript) by Sutan Gading F. Nasution
A Dedicated Covid-19 Philippines Tracker, (React, CRA, TailwindCSS) by Mark Anthony Uy
Covid-19 World Map (D3.js globe displaying confirmed, recovered, and death counts by country) by Paige Vogenthaler
https://souryvath.github.io/ng-covid-19/, (Angular, ApexCharts) by Souryvath NIRASAY
Corona-tracker, (Vue frontend for the API with main focus on India) by Akash Raju M
https://github.com/satyawikananda/Vucovid-Covid-info, (VueJS, PWA) by Satya Wikananda
https://github.com/juanitourquiza/ng-covid-19 https://hackeruna.com/covid19/, (Angular) by Juan Urquiza
RN-Covid19, (React-Native) by Hamaar
Last 7 days chart with percentages,(Next, React, PWA) by Mithhu
https://livecovid19stats.netlify.com, (Gatsby, React) by Dhaiwat Pandya
https://corona-stats-eta.now.sh/, (React, Hooks) by Vitor Boccio
COVID-19 | Coronavirus Live Stats and Tracker, (React) by Micah Mones
https://sandipnirmal.github.io/covid-19-tracker, (React PWA) by Sandip R. Nirmal
https://github.com/NoumanHere/COVID-19-Using-Django, (Django, Python) by Nouman
https://github.com/mazik/corona-tracker/, (A Google Chrome extension for tracking CORONAVIRUS - COVID-19 update) by Md Mazedul Islam Khan
https://github.com/johanneshaberlah/corona-dashboard, (Java, Spring) by Johannes Haberlah
https://krishnatre-siddhartha.github.io/, (HTML+JS) by Siddhartha Sharma
Corona Count, (Next.js) by Ankit Suraj
https://github.com/NicolaLisci/COV1D9, (Angular 9, Typescript) by Nicola Lisci DEMO
https://mzaini30.js.org/covid19. Source: https://github.com/mzaini30/covid19/. By: @mzaini30
https://github.com/oniharnantyo/covid-19-telegram-bot, (Telegram Bot, Golang) by Oni Harnantyo
https://github.com/dabigjoe6/react-native-covid19, (React Native) by Joseph Olabisi
https://fight-covid19.netlify.app/, (Gatsby, React) by Jason Zheng
https://github.com/mastersam07/toju_wa, (Flutter) by @Mastersam07
https://github.com/flborrelli/covid-19-updates, (React + Semantic UI) by Fernando Lima Borrelli
covid19-graphql-api.herokuapp.com, (GraphQL) by Rene Osman
https://coronnavirusapp.firebaseapp.com/, (Angular/Ionic) by Rayden2015
https://github.com/melvinalmonte/covid-bot, (Chatbot using Google's Dialogflow + NextJS Wrapper) by Melvin Almonte
https://cdmoro.github.io/covid-19-stats/ https://github.com/cdmoro/covid-19-stats React, by cdmoro
https://tracking-corona.web.app/ https://github.com/JakMar17/CoronaTracker by JakMar17
https://covid19site.netlify.com/ (Vue.js) by Ihsan Nurul Habib
https://github.com/ihsaninh/covid-19-reactnative, (React Native) by Ihsan Nurul Habib
https://github.com/AbdullahChauhan/Coronavirus-COVID-19-Tracker, (Flutter) by Abdullah Chauhan
https://github.com/dynamicbalaji/covid19-tracker, (React) by Balaji Ashok Kumar(BK)
https://covid19.sznm.dev, (Gatsby, Nivo) by Agustinus Nathaniel
https://github.com/ZuTechV2/c19stats, https://zu-c19stats.netlify.app, (VueJS) by Zu Tech V2
MIT License 2020, mathdroid.
Transitively from the Johns Hopkins Site, the data may not be used for commercial purposes.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
Odi 💻 📖 |
Yahya Fadhlulloh Al-Fatih 💻 |
spiritbro1 💻 |
Imperial Owl 💻 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!