- 🇦🇷 I'm 25 years old, and I'm from Argentina.
- 👨💻 I'm currently working on private app development projects, but I'm actively seeking my first job in IT.
- 📚 I enjoy reading, investments, and football. I consider myself a kind, responsible, and polite person.
- 💻 I have expertise in developing RESTful APIs using Node.js and Express, integrating with the frontend using React.
- 📫 How to reach me matiasagbenitez@gmail.com
const aboutMe = {
name: "Matías",
age: 25,
occupation: "System Analyst and Full-stack Web Developer",
education: "Degree in Information Systems",
experience: "Experienced in computer systems analysis",
programmingLanguages: ["TypeScript"],
technical_skills: {
backend: {
technologies: ["Node.js", "Express", "NestJS"],
concepts: ["Clean Architecture", "Design Patterns"],
tools: ["GraphQL", "WebSockets (intermediate level)"],
current_focus: ["Microservices with NestJS"]
frontend: {
frameworks: ["React", "Next.js"],
libraries: ["React Router", "Wouter", "Redux Toolkit", "Zustand", "ContextAPI", "TanStack Query"],
styling: ["Bootstrap", "TailwindCSS", "shadcn"]
databases: {
relational: ["MySQL", "Postgres"],
non_relational: ["MongoDB"],
tools_and_platforms: {
containerization: ["Docker"],
productivity_and_organization: ["Trello", "Notion"],
API_testing: ["Postman", "Insomnia"],
version_control: ["Git", "GitHub"]
currently_learning: {
cloud_services: ["AWS (Amazon Web Services)"],
advanced_architecture: ["Microservices (NestJS)"]
languages: ["spanish", "english", "portuguese"]
soft_skills: [
"Critical Thinking",
"Priority Management",
"Goal Setting and Objectives",
"Commitment to Quality",
"Self-Awareness and Learning"