Run postgresql (user=postgresql(default), pass=postgrespassword):
$ make postgresql-test
Run postgresql admin panel (, pass=postgrespassword, http=localhost:80):
$ make postgresql-test-admin
Run ethstats backend:
$ go run main.go server \
--collector.secret secret \
--db-endpoint "postgres://postgres:postgrespassword@" \
--frontend.addr ws://localhost:3000/api \
--frontend.secret secret2
Start geth client:
$ geth --dev --dev.period 1 --ethstats a:secret@localhost:8000
Run ethstats frontend (goerli/ethstats-server repo):
$ npm ci
$ grunt poa
$ WS_SECRET="secret2" npm start
db-endpoint: Database endpoint to store the data.
collector.addr (default=localhost:8000): Websocket address to collect metrics.
collector.secret (default=''): Secret for the local websocket collector.
log-level (default=info): Level to log the output.
frontend.addr: Address of the ethstats frontend to proxy the data.
frontend.secret: Secret to be used in the ethstats proxy.
save-block-txs: Whether block transactions should be written to database.
git clone
cd reorgs-frontend
git checkout localhost
sudo docker build -t ethstats-frontend .
cd ..
sudo docker build -t ethstats-backend .
docker-compose up -d
- go to
to see the hasura frontend - click on
on top-right corner - click on
import metadata
- select
from the root directory of this repo - go to
to see the frontend
--ethstats <node-name>:<secret>@<ethstats-server-ip>:<ethstats-server-port>
- for local setup :
--ethstats node1:hello@localhost:8000