This project is a multi-core general purpose graphics processing unit (GPGPU).
Documentation is in the wiki:
Pull requests/contributions are welcome.
- make/gcc
- bison/flex
- Python 2.7
- Icarus Verilog (
- USB Blaster JTAG tools (
- libusb-1.0 (required for above)
- Quartus II FPGA design software
- emacs + verilog mode tools, for AUTOWIRE/AUTOINST ( (note that using 'make autos' in the rtl/ directory will run this operation in batch mode if the tools are installed)
- Java (J2SE 6+) for visualizer app
- GTKWave (or similar) for analyzing waveform files
The development environment is fairly straightforward to get running.
From the top directory:
From the top directory:
make test
cd firmware/3d-engine
make vsim
Rendered framebuffer contents are saved into vsim.bmp
This runs on Terasic's DE2-115 evaluation board.
- Build USB blaster command line tools (
- Put into your PATH.
- Create etc/udev/rules.d/99-custom.rules and add the line: ATTRS{idVendor}=="09fb" , MODE="0660" , GROUP="plugdev"
Open the project file in rtl/fpga/de2-115/fpga-project.qpf in Quartus and synthesize it. This will take a while.
Load configuration bitstream into FPGA using the Quartus programmer.
Load program into memory and execute it using the runit script as below. The script assembles the source and uses the jload command to transfer the program over the USB blaster cable that was used to load the bitstream.
cd tests/fpga/blinky ./