First we need to start a shell into the container to create a listener
$ docker run -it \
-p 8448:8448 \
-v `pwd`/data:/app/var/db \
--name construct mujx/construct-dev:latest
$ /app/bin/construct <your_domain_name>
# CTRL-C to enter the construct console
# Follow the instructions from to
# configure the server.
# e.g net listen matrix 8448 <your_domain_name>.crt <your_domain_name>.crt.key
Once the initial configuration is done we can start up the server as a normal container.
$ docker run --rm -d \
-e DOMAIN_NAME=<your_domain_name> \
-p 8448:8448 \
-v `pwd`/data:/app/var/db \
--name construct mujx/construct-dev:latest