vim plug
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
git clone --depth 1 ~/.fzf
- Remember to run :PlugInstall
- nvim key mapped to spacebar
- toggle between absolute and relative line numbers with -r
- close current buffer tab: -c
- custom mapping: C-b v which opens a 70-30 left-right split
- move between nvim and tmux panes with C-hjkl
- move between nvim buffers with C-h/l
- open NvimTree with -e
- open Telescope file finder with -f
- enter to open
- C-x for top-bottom split (new buffer opens below)
- C-v for left-right split (new buffer opens on the right)
- toggle current line (single or block): gcc, gbc
- toggle visual mode selection (single or block): gc, gb
- gD: go to declaration
- gd: go to definition
- K: hover
- gi: to to implementation
- gr: go to references
- gl: show line diagnostics