Date dropdown fields for angular. Main use case is for entering date of birth.
Creates three dropdown fields - Day, Month and Year.
- Day contains options 1 - 31
- Month contains options January - December
- Year contains the last 100 years
If you want to change the years tehre are two attributes available:
- starting-year
- num-years
Styling is done using Bootstrap3. There is a noPadding class added to the elements if you are trying to align your elements. You would need to add the following to your styles:
.noPadding {
padding-left: 0;
padding-right: 0;
If you want to change the classes there are the following attributes available:
- day-div-class
- day-class
- month-div-class
- month-class
- year-div-class
- year-class
Birthdays do not change with timezones so the value is returned as a UTC date. Could change this with an attribute so let me know if this is of interest to people.
If a user enters an incorrect date (e.g. 30 February) the date will be automatically updated to the nearest previous correct date (e.g. 28th February or 29th if it is a leap year).
<input rsmdatedropdowns ng-model="model" ng-disabled="test()">
If you have any requests or updates please file issues / pull requests. Please include your use case if you require changes.